
Responses from perrew

$5000 integrated budget: Please help me choose....
Komaki,I can recommend the APL-Hifi UA-S1, its an integrated amp with tube pre and transistor out. Its the most natural amplifier I have heard. Its the first amp I ever had in my home to be dead quiet. I did extensive search last year for integrat... 
Titan, Transfiguration Orpheus or Air Tight PC1??
The Lyra Erodian that raises the gain by 26dB got a great review in Hifi+ together with the Skala and Titan I and a tube phono stage, maybe this can help with the Nagra in tube mode. 
Best $5,000 system for a small apt. in Stockholm
Used Gear in Sweden hifimagasinet dot com 
Best $5,000 system for a small apt. in Stockholm
Check out the store Audioconcept dot seThey have a lot of gear ranging from affordable to expensive - there own inexpensive cable line as well and great to work with.Disclaimer - No connection to the store 
Best Rock Albums in 2009, so far
New Relaese of Angel Dust - Faith No More on Mofi is pretty good 
Best Rock Albums in 2009, so far
Good RecomendationsWill check out M Ward. J Sykes and SusannaA late 2008 is Cold Fact by Rodriguez 
Revamp Garrard 301, keep Oracle V or move along?
Jonathan, can you tell me more about the new power supply for the 301. Is it better than the PSU301 Loricraft has now? 
The best CD Player for the money
Kijanski, i have found out its a continent, amazingly slightly larger than the US 
The best speaker you ever heard?
I heard the Grande Utopia EM, its good, not perfect but very good. 
The best CD Player for the money
Mtkhl567 if you consider europe part of planet earth he's here and delivering to happy customers, Im one of them:) 
Wi-Fi Fidelity?
Ablang,if you live in a HighRise, how do you tell all your neighbors to unplug there WIFIs. I dont think you can notice WIFI disturbance I think the AC is a bigger issue. 
Review: Elrod Power Systems Gold Statement Power Cord Power cord
David,whats the difference between statement silver and gold? 
Top Alternative Rock Albums of 2008
I agree on the above being great albums, I especially like Raconteurs and Kings of Leon, but would like to mention two other fantastic albums I liked most this year.1. Johnossi - All They Ever Wanted2. Takida - Bury the Lies 
What's better than FIM power cords
Tfjm,very interesting, what other cables have you compared the Golden Eagles to and what components do you use?Is the PCs with Acrolink top of the line connects? 
Berkeley Audio Design Alpha DAC Owners?
I think he compared the redbook performance as well and found it to be superior with the Minerva. I have listened to the Weiss Jason/Medea combo and find it to be one of the best around but I still thinks the Minerva is close to the MBL 1621/1611E...