
Responses from perrew

Fidelity Research cartridges
Does any one know if the MC702 have Alnico magnets? 
Why is the price of new tonearms so high
Yes thats the big problem, its always the tradeof between making money and having "street cred"/philantrophy. Anything that is slightly better than the previous best can always command a higher price but its also a cheap advertising trick raising ... 
Why is the price of new tonearms so high
Oh this gets better and better, two new fantastic arms to choose from, my TT can mount two....And now the ten thousand dollar question, whats the price of those arms Raul and Dertonarm? 
Why is the price of new tonearms so high
Raul,are you building a tonearm yourself and if so could you shortly elaborate on the design goals/route you have chosen?TksPƤr 
Establishing a common analog listening bias
I would like to suggest Keep it Hid with Dan Auerbach, one I like but maybe not as easy to find is Madman Across the Water with Elton John 
Why is the price of new tonearms so high
Yes thats true but I was using the picture to argue that the spring would result in zero moment as opposed to the static which uses the CW to hold the needle down, but as I said dont know if this is important. 
Establishing a common analog listening bias
Maybe we can post links to where these easy to find records can be bought? 
Establishing a common analog listening bias
Dertonarm,I think this is a very good proposal, many times when Ive read a review(not just magazine reviews) Ive picked up the record mentioned and tried to listen for the described section and see how my own system handled the described piece.Alt... 
Why is the price of new tonearms so high
Axel, my thought was that looking at these pics for example that the spring is in the turret so there will be no moment like the counterweight has force times the distance away from the turret? Maybe this is n... 
Why is the price of new tonearms so high
Atmasphere, 20 years thats impressive not a lot lasts that long in this hobby. Problem for me is I have only single ended input on my amp and the MP1/MP3 seems to have only balanced output. Another thing is I wasnt really looking for a line amp bu... 
Why is the price of new tonearms so high
Is it the case with dynamic arms that the vertical force is closer to the turret and therefore there will be less sideways/twirling force and this force is parallel with the force on the needle? 
Why is the price of new tonearms so high
Atmasphere, its not a necessity but the two I own at the moment are single ended, one tubed one ss. Anything particular in mind? 
Why is the price of new tonearms so high
Raul,the reason you dont see any analog items is I dont have a complete rig up and running yet but Im trying to put together something sensible to see if it can compete with my digital. So far I have 1 TT, 1 cart and 2 phono stages. 
Dedicated phono-pre for MM only?
Axel, are you familiar with it? 
Why is the price of new tonearms so high
Always worth a lot thanks for taking the time to answer, would you consider building a unit?