Feedback from PrimaLuna EVO 300 owners. | oberoniaomnia | 470 | 5 | |
Has anyone upgraded the crossovers on Spatial Hologram M4 series loudspeakers? | dekay | 772 | 7 | |
Does anyone know a good repair shop for Audio Research products? | peporter | 509 | 5 | |
A previous discussion included a statement about crossover components. | ericjroy2003 | 2423 | 42 | |
What record cleaner is the most bang for the buck?? | vinylvalet | 20884 | 53 | |
What measurements from the rear wall? | yeti42 | 869 | 6 | |
Position of a 32" X 19" X 19" equipment rack. | millercarbon | 901 | 3 | |
Should I fix it and sell it or sell it as is? Mark Levinson No. 331 | limomangus | 3638 | 15 | |
Anyone using a Hagerman Audio Labs Cornet3 MM phono preamp? | | 1602 | 0 | |
Who is using the Linkwitz LX Minis? What amps are you using? Digital signal processing? | dion667 | 1220 | 1 | |
Anybody build the Linkwitz Mini +2 from the factory, or the Madisound kit? | erik_squires | 1090 | 1 | |
Premiere power cord into a Blue Circle power conditioner- will the benefits transfer? | | 1640 | 0 | |
Regarding prev discussion "Does your CD player not play all the way to the end of the cd? | lowrider57 | 1606 | 4 | |
Does your CD player not play all the way to the end of the album? | limomangus | 2408 | 11 | |
Anyone running Schiit Audio Freya preamp and a pair of Vidar power amps? What speakers? | timlub | 20187 | 18 | |