
Responses from paulwp

CLASSE - Great amps or highly flawed?
I love the Hostess cupcake analogy. Drives me crazy when some teenager (even the grownup ones) says "that's just your opinion" in response to my saying a particular cake or pie (or taco) is better than another. There are standards, and there is su... 
Since it only occurs on some records and not others, it may be wear from mistracking. All of the above are correct in pointing to VTA, antiskating and tracking. Too much or too little (lithp) sibilance is the easiest gauge of VTA and tracking forc... 
Lot of great suggestions above. I'm going to recommend some specific titles:In the same vein as the Brother Where Art Thou songtrack is a songtrack cd called "Songcatcher."The early Alison Krauss and Union Station cds, and maybe the latest (tho I ... 
The best cable for my system Interconnect and SPKR
They should be careful they don't smack into a tree running around in those groves. 
Cable dollar allocation
Bob, I can't resist calling your attention to Bishop Will's profession. He is a psychotherapist. Maybe he can help you. $15k on cabling and line conditioning. And I'm sure you don't hold the record there either.If you had told me, for $15k I would... 
Are more expensive speakers better?
Somehow my last sentence got cut off and I didnt notice until it was too late to edit it: Is a $6,000 B&W speaker (I really have no idea what their prices are) better than a $2,000 speaker made by someone else? Maybe, Maybe not. I certainly kn... 
Are more expensive speakers better?
Hey, I resent that comment about B&O speakers Mike. I think it's insensitive and insulting. (Sorry, couldnt resist.) But seriously, I remember quite a few B&O speakers that sounded fine. They were just always too expensive for their perfor... 
The Absolute Sound Review of Sony SCD-XA777ES ???
Will, would you please say something stupid just once? You're giving me an inferiority complex. I am reminded of one of Joe Pesci's courtroom lines in My Cousin Vinny - "yeah, what that guy said."Jim, I am always curious about the associated equip... 
Anyone else heard "The Houston Kid?"
I dont know what you call it anymore. Long time ago, Crowell and others like him were classified as "progressive" country. Soft redneck rock? 
How do you determine how much to spend on speakers
I'm not trying to convince you S2k, just trying to help the author of this thread understand the issues so he can decide for himself. We apparently agree that speakers are very important - more important than cdps. We also agree that amps are impo... 
How do you determine how much to spend on speakers
"unlikely that a $5k system will have the resolution for the cdp to matter very much" - wow, are you ever a high end marketer's dream.I think you would get lots of disagreement over that statement. Put Harbeth speakers in the mix along with a good... 
How do you determine how much to spend on speakers
S2k- didn't you just say in another thread that you regret selling your meridian 508.24? Whyever for if you can't tell the difference?About the Sony ES cd players, I couldn't disagree more. Go buy the Cambridge, a NAD, a Phillips, Rotel, Denon, ju... 
Anyone else heard "The Houston Kid?"
Jim, yes, Rodney produced Rosanne's early lps. BTW, Ex father-in-law John Cash does a cameo duet on The Houston Kid, sings I Walk the Line to a different melody. 
Anyone else heard "The Houston Kid?"
Of course it was DDT. Theat's what they used. When I lived there they used to come on the radio and tell you the schedule so you'd stay indoors when they were dusting. Nobody ever dies from inhaling ddt (at least not right away). Ive been a fan si... 
Anyone else heard "The Houston Kid?"
No, the characters are fictional or loosely based on people Rodney knew growing up, but he was exposed to characters like the ones in the songs growing up on the Eastside of Houston.