

Responses from panzrwagn

Whats on your turntable tonight?
Mary Chapin Carpenter "Party Doll & Other Favorites" Not just a ' best of'  album, it has a combination of live performances from David Letterman to the Superbowl, some studio cuts all across nearly a decade.  But it holds up like a single bod... 
Child Damage Mitigation
Invert your thinking. Literally. Consider ceiling mounting your maggies. Same location as now, just hang them from the ceiling. I my last house, the perfect location for the speakers would have also destroyed a beautiful view and much of the utili... 
Do any still use an older high end tuner from the past?....
Yet another Luxman T-110 owner.  It's such a cool piece of gear, rivaled only by a Marantz tuner with a scope. I never had a 10B, but Marantz made an awesome SS tuner with scope in the late 70s, the 2130 maybe? Along with an equally great 3250 pre... 
High Sensitivity Speakers
You are lucky to have a room large enough to accommodate large horn speakers, so why not go all the way with a classic like a Klipschhorn?  
What is the most FUN pair of speakers you've ever had and why?
Back in the mid-70s I had a set of double Advents, stacked vertically, on custom stands, tweeters together. Powered by an HK Citation 16 and Soundcraftsman preamp with octave EQ, Thorens TD-160 and an Ortofon MC cart. It combined the Advents neutr... 
Hana SL or ML?
Has anyone compared the low-output vs. the high output versions? I was considering the SH vs a Dynavector 10X5 Mk2 or the MH vs. a Dynavector DV20X2 
There are a plethora of choices in your price range, to be sure.  If you like Klipsch - real Klipsch - then the Heresy IV https://www.klipsch.com/products/heresy-iv-floorstanding-speaker#product-specs would be your choice, but do yourself a fav... 
I want a streamer
Cocktail Audio X35. It streams, it rips CDs, it handles vinyl, it has every input and output imaginable, including a decent 100 W/Ch amp. Did I mention it has a HDD sled so you can choose whatever size of disk you want up to 4+ TByte? And a nice b... 
Best bookshelf speakers
Certainly lots of choices in the is price range, but my shortlist would definitely include the KEF LS-50, especially at their new improved $999 price. That even leaves a cool $1000 subwoofer budget.  180 degrees away, Magneplanar .7s offer size, s... 
What is the most dramatic way of increasing a speaker's Bass and Low mid?
Moving your speakers closer to the corners will load the low frequencies and increase their volume.  Too much and it will muddy vocals and destroy the stereo image.  For a 36" tall speaker in a 12' X18' room with 8' ceilings, start with theses num... 
Best amp options between $2k-$4 to power Magnepan 1.7?
I have to cast a vote for the Macintosh MA252 Integrated Amp. With a tube front end and a very robust 100W/Ch solid state power stage, this should make Maggie 1.7s absolutely sing.  That it is an integrated amp with a better than decent MM phono s...