

Responses from panzrwagn

Does Plugging Bass Port Affect Pace, Rhythm and Timing?
Monitor Audio dual ports some of their speakers specifically for boundary tuning. My Silver 300 7G were a bit thick on certain vocals. Plugging both was too much, plugging the top port, too little, and plugging the bottom port, perfect, with no lo... 
user poll on seperates vs integrated
My very first HiFi was a Marantz 1060 and Large Advents, a Philips 212 and B&O SP-12 cart. Since then I've had a bunch of separates, 150W/ch HK Citation 16, 40W/ch MC240. This time around I went with a Marantz PM7000N Integrated driving LS50s ... 
The weirdness of it all
@petaluman If the audible impacts of cables are due to LCR interactions, the math describing those changes is well known and not very difficult. And as a result, easy to document. But it's a double-edged sword, the inability to document such condi... 
Bass- at what frequency does it change from sounding like a string to just a low tone?
The low E-string on a bass guitar is usually tuned to 41.2 Hz, while the lowest note on a standard piano is A at 27.5 Hz. The harmonics are all multiples. Anything less than 27Hz except for a Gravitone - a resultant 64' flue (a 32' stop combined w... 
Don't sell your tube amps
Biggest mistake I ever made in audio was selling an MC240 to buy a big Home Theater receiver. A Yamaha. Now, I'm 4 x 2k+ each AVRs later, and that MC240 is selling for 5X what I sold it for. And nothing has sounded so good.  
There's No Question
I woulda kept the Maggies and added a REL T9x. Or two. No cone speaker can ever do what Maggies do, and I don't know of a faster sub than a T9x. If you know of a faster one, then go with that   
Top two most important sound qualities
Effortlessness - that sense of ease that allows you to forget about the hardware and just hear the music. This is what well driven Magnepans or electrostats do. Huge effortless sound. Definition - clear highs without edge, mids without honk, full... 
Krell KSA 200s ground hum
Earth ground vs. chassis ground. Uck.  Back in the 70s Yamaha made a revolutionary pro live sound mixer called the PM-1000. Very clever audio design and totally modular so any of the 16, 24, or 32 input channel cards could be serviced separately.... 
You've run some pretty fancy MC's, but the _______ MM cartridge really impressed me
I am a long-time Grado fan, but they sometimes hum, resisting all kinds of grounding schemes. Even 50 years ago Grado cartridges were simply incompatible with some turntables, the AR being one. Hana EH $450 SH $750 or MH $1200 for an elliptical, S... 
the big one: how do you choose speakers? By what features, data?
You choose speakers "horses for courses", which is to say, speakers that best meet you requirements and simply, sound best to your ear. Bookshelf, Sub/sat, tower, panel are all viable options in your price range. Most speaker companies have series... 
Ethernet Cables
"If the ethernet cable in your house negate any benefit from the Supra or ViaBlue cables, then all the people that assert that one cable or another makes the music sound better, are wrong. It also brings into question the whole aftermarket power c... 
Ethernet Cables
@lxgreen I read the Nordost paper and it is absolute jibberish. At no point do they mention even one quantitative measure or threshold of impact of any cable characteristic - impedance, capacitance, inductance RF sensitivity or any other measure. ... 
How do I switch from Wi-Fi to Ethernet cables?
@cleeds Yes, the streaming protocol has a name - it's called TCP/IP and it ensures 100% packet delivery in order thanks to the use of caches, buffers, CRC error detection and retransmission. If your streaming efforts aren't time-sensitive, TCP can... 
How do I switch from Wi-Fi to Ethernet cables?
Repeaters halve your available bandwidth by their very nature. Don't do it. Wifi6 supports multiple simultaneous streams and is a very good idea - but all your equipment has to support it. Mesh routers help even out coverage and the best ones supp... 
Audio Research Dog
I'm not so concerned about the dog, but I am concerned about the number of pillows and extra carpets are in the background.