

Responses from ozzy

New Synergistic Master Fuse
gladmo, Your post is right on! I too have purple fuses in everything except one Master in my Lumin X1. I also have a "Fuse Box" powering the main rails in my amps, but still have purples in the amps input stage. Awesome combo, really enjoying th... 
Lucinda Williams' Stories From A Rock n Roll Heart.
Lucinda had a stroke? I did not know that. ozzy  
Silversmith Fidelium
I am still using the same amps, Bob Carver Raven 350. I have never had a speaker cable affect the sound quality as much as the Fidelium cables did. Best I could describe them is they acted like a big resistor. I seem to remember a posting stating ... 
Silversmith Fidelium
There is always one negative, and I guess I’m that one. I was not impressed. To me, the music was congested and limited in the frequency extremes. Additionally, I had to turn the volume up quite a bit more to achieve the same volume as before. N... 
Question: Sound Treatment behind the Listener?
Christian5s4, How many of the GIK 6A Alpha diffusor/absorbers did you use? I haven’t heard back from GIK yet, but Stillpoint’s says behind the listener treatment is not really necessary. joenies, BTW, the cd rack has many spots where there are... 
Question: Sound Treatment behind the Listener?
Well, I submitted the form to GIK. Before being able to submit the form, I must say the constant need for showing that I am not a robot is annoying. Especially so for the GIK website. Why is that necessary? ozzy  
Question: Sound Treatment behind the Listener?
Also, the ceiling in the room has acoustic tiling glued and stapled over the drywall and there is 6" insulation in the jousts. There is no slap echo at the back of the room. I was ok with the sound with the Cd’s/rack combo, just thinking of remov... 
Question: Sound Treatment behind the Listener?
kota1. I will check out that video soon. Thanks for sharing it. ozzy  
What's your experience with snooty HiFi salesmen?
It must be the places you guys frequent. Have you brushed your teeth lately? Just kidding... In my area there is only one Hi-End Store left. Paragon Audio and they have always treated me well. Years back when there were more stores, again, they w... 
The New Synergistic Research Purple Fuses
I now have a complete loom of the SR Purple fuses and couldn't be happier. Anyone else have all SR purple fuses? ozzy  
Question: Sound Treatment behind the Listener?
Wow! Some very good information. ozzy  
Question: Sound Treatment behind the Listener?
For some reason I thought one end of the room (behind the speakers) should be the "dead zone" and the other end (behind the listener) should be the "live zone". No credence to that notion? ozzy  
Question: Sound Treatment behind the Listener?
So you also went with sound absorbing material? ozzy  
Question: Sound Treatment behind the Listener?
So, you think absorbing material should be used? ozzy  
Question: Sound Treatment behind the Listener?
Thanks for the help. The DIY cd rack at the back wall (behind me) starts at about 4 foot high and does go to about a foot from the top of the ceiling. It covers the width of the room. The rack does have many open spaces between the cd's. Again, I...