

Responses from ozzy

The best plug in filter ever!
I’m still so very much impressed with the Puron’s with my Audio and Video equipment. Even my wife noticed the improvement in the picture quality! (And for her to comment, that is really something,) Best value for the dollar for the amount of impr... 
Whats playing on your system today?
BTO ozzy  
Question: Sound Treatment behind the Listener?
emergingsoul. Thank you, you are too kind. BTW, my Westie is named Westy. He really loves to lay between the speakers in the sweet spot. The cd’s are arranged irregularly by the artist. Some groupings have many cd’s, some not so many and there ... 
Question: Sound Treatment behind the Listener?
Thanks. Who is Art Noxon’s ? ozzy  
Question: Sound Treatment behind the Listener?
I do have 4- 20" ASC tube traps in the corners. I also have 7 Stillpoint Aperture 2's. So, do I really need to absorb the bass frequencies further? ozzy    
Question: Sound Treatment behind the Listener?
Thank you, I will check out those sites. It sounds like GIK wants me to get 6 of the Alpha 6's. I'm not sure if $1500 would better the sound that I have now with the cd rack. I may try some convoluted foam I have behind me first just to see if a... 
Whats playing on your system today?
"Car Wheels On A Gravel Road"- Lucinda Williams ozzy  
T+A Solitaire S 530 Magnetostatic Speakers
I have heard those speakers they sound fantastic! And I really like their looks. Awesome speaker even though out of my price range. I think they are $70,000+ You lucky dog... ozzy  
Who else can't sleep the night before their fancy new gears arrive?
So, my repaired sub finally arrived after a weeklong journey where it shouldn't have been. The box was completely destroyed and there was some type of liquid spilled on the box. The driver said it looked like some detergent, he offered to return i... 
The New Synergistic Research Purple Fuses
I also would like to add that I found using the SR Master/Purple combo to be much better sound quality wise than using the QSA red/black fuse. and at a much cheaper price! The QSA did tighten up the image, but it lost the depth/feeling. ozzy  
Question: Sound Treatment behind the Listener?
Thanks, I'm not sure how many of the Alpha 6a's would need to be acquired. 3 of them with shipping is $763. ozzy  
Question: Sound Treatment behind the Listener?
Got a reply from GIK. I need more info. "OK, yeah that's a fair amount of space to work with. It will really come down to tolerance of thick panels and of course budget. If you can fill the entire wall with sound blocks that will work very well b... 
Who else can't sleep the night before their fancy new gears arrive?
I've been waiting for my repaired sub-woofer for over a week. It looks like it started out with the wrong address and now Fed Ex can't seem to find it. Every day I get an email that it will be delivered but it never does. I and the shipper have c... 
Silversmith Fidelium
Ref My post below. Darn spell check, I meant to say there is an impedance mismatch. I had the cables for several weeks before returning them. I used the cables quite a bit, probably put several hundred hours on them, they never got better. At tha... 
New Synergistic Master Fuse
gladmo, Your post is right on! I too have purple fuses in everything except one Master in my Lumin X1. I also have a "Fuse Box" powering the main rails in my amps, but still have purples in the amps input stage. Awesome combo, really enjoying th...