

Responses from ozzy

Whats playing on your system today?
"Another One Bites The Dust" GO LIONS!!! ozzy  
Clarus Crimson vs Clear Beyond.
The sound quality can be described as dynamic, open, natural. If you followed my journey I have owned/or tried just about every cable of importance. From Shunyata, Synergistic, Purist, Nordost, etc. They were my favorites, if not for securing a d... 
A Few Nice Words For Upscale Audio
I never was able to strike a deal with Upscale Audio. I always ended up buying elsewhere. ozzy  
Clarus Crimson vs Clear Beyond.
Shameless Plug: I just listed a Clarus Crimson Bi-Wire for sale on the gon... ozzy  
Your greatest high end audio purchase!!!
Lumin X1. I couldn't believe how much better (sound quality wise) it is over everything that came before it. ozzy  
Whats playing on your system today?
Johnny Rivers-"Realization" Great music to relax to. ozzy  
Contacting Focal Naim America
I had the same problem. Contact Sean from Iso-Acoustics he will help you out. ozzy  
MICHI 8 Amp(s)
Yes, it does seem to be over-kill. ozzy  
A $250 Power Conditioner?
deep_333, If you view my systems page, you will find that I have a Niagara 7000, Dragon power cords etc. Great equipment! But the Puron still improved my system. So, give it a try, you may be surprised. P.S. I also own quite a few iFi units. o... 
MICHI 8 Amp(s)
So, I need to apologize to Goertz cabling. It was not the Goertz cable that caused the amp to shut down, it was a subwoofer cable using a Speakon (Rel) type connection that I was running off the Michi amp to an Iso-Max transformer to the sub. ozzy  
A $250 Power Conditioner?
deep_333, I totally agree with what facten has stated in his reply to your posting. That is, there is probably different levels/strengths and/or technologies that separate the different units. Try a Puron and then compare it to your iFi unit. o... 
A $250 Power Conditioner?
jayctoy, Try plugging the Puron directly into the wall outlet that your system (TV) is plugged into. Your power strip may be doing some filtering. ozzy  
Good Speakers for Rock and Roll Under 15K
I know this is more than you want to spend, but my Clarisys Planars do Rock & Roll pretty well! ozzy  
A $250 Power Conditioner?
questforhifi, I owned the SR Galilo SX power cord for a while, and I thought it was too aggressive in the high mid/treble region.  ozzy  
MICHI 8 Amp(s)
Yes, evidently one did. Visually you cannot detect anything amiss. The problem must be internal.  When you look at these cables the positive (Red) is at one end and directly at the other end is the ground wire (black). So, these cables internally...