

Responses from oregonpapa

Tandberg TD20A. I need a reputable repair shop.
I have the same tape deck. Some idiot tried to replace the two track head with a four track head and really screwed up the machine. I called Soundsmith to ask about repairs ... I was told to consider it scrap and to use it for spares. Too bad, bec... 
Why not accordion ?
Here's Art Van Damme's beautiful rendition of "Early Autumn." The vibes player isn't too shabby either. Enjoy ...https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OgzLq4CkiCA 
0 feedback sellers
Ask for a phone number. Then when on the phone ask them if they have any feedback on Ebay or Amazon. 
TUBE AMP LOVERS - What SS amp makes you smile???
Go over to the Dark Side? Not me.Transistors began what digital completed ... the ruination of reproduced music in the home. Meh! 
What's the solid state amp to buy $2500?
Check out Frank Van Alstine's offerings: http://www.avahifi.com/ 
what do members day dream of to Pink Floyd?
Roxy54 ...So, if you find PF boring, what music excites you? I admit, I have to be in the mood for Pink Floyd. First choice for me are jazz and classical. 
You know you're an audiophile if--
You know you're an audiophile if you've discarded a record or CD because it didn't have enough inner detail or wasn't awash in enough artificial reverb to suit your audiophile tastes.A music lover on the other hand ... 
Why are so many people trying to sell Harbeths?
Never owned Harbeth speakers, but every time I've heard them, they sound tonally right. I like that. 
Why not accordion ?
Gvasale ...I recall a cartoon strip called The Wizard of Id. The king was in the dungeon with the dungeon caretaker when some musical notes came out of one of the torture chambers. The king said ... "Hey, that sounds like accordion music." The car... 
Why not accordion ?
Check out Myron Floren. He was the accordionist for Lawrence Welk back in the 50's and 60's. He was terrific. There's a bunch of his stuff for sale on Ebay. Check it out: http://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_from=R40&_trksid=p2050601.m570.l1311.R1.... 
what do members day dream of to Pink Floyd?
"Pink Void?" Nah ... I just think about how good of a guitarist David Gilmore is. Some of their music can be depressing ... but the are creative. 
wired magazine and Tom Port
Johnnyb53 ...I've discussed Tom's use of the DV-17D with my friend who sells TP records. You are exactly correct in your assessment. Tom uses the Dynavector cartridge because it is ruler flat. Its great for assessing the true sound of a record. Th... 
ARC Ref 75 vs. Ref 75 SE
OKAY ... full disclosure .. I am an "ARC cheerleader" and proud of it.On the reliability issue ... I've had an SP6. An SP-14. a Classic 60, a REF-75 and now the REF-75se. I've had all of their phono stages from the PH-3 through to my present PH-8.... 
Pani ... New ART-9 up and running ...
Man 'O man, the AT guys are coming out of the woodwork. That's great! While I listen to a lot of classical, I'm not centered in on any particular type of music. Jazz and blues was always my favorites when I was a kid ... but the beauty of this hob... 
Pani ... New ART-9 up and running ...
tablejockey...It says volumes about this obsessive hobby when a cartridge costing almost $1100.00 is considered to be a budget cartridge. I remember the days when a $49.00 Grado was really good ... especially when mounted on an AR turntable that c...