

Responses from oregonpapa

Finding Pure Water for Record Cleaning - very long
Water can be made to be so pure that it draws impurities into itself. So pure that in handling it, one must wear special gloves because it will actually draw the pigment out of one's skin. Its used for certain applications in aerospace technology ... 
Audio Technica ART 9
Great choice by the way. 
Pani ... New ART-9 up and running ...
Aigenga ...Wish I could help you, but I don't have a clue. Why not send an Email to LP Tunes? Here, this will take you right to the spot: http://www.lptunes.com/articles.asp?ID=83 
How did you contract "Audiophilia"
I walked into Northridge Audio one day and heard someone playing a tenor sax in one of the listening rooms. Well, always being a jazz sax fan, I asked the guy behind the counter who the sax player was. He said, "oh, that's just the FM jazz station... 
Pani ... New ART-9 up and running ...
Pani ...I have an Audio Research PH-8 set at 100ohms. It seems to be the best setting for my preamp and system. There's about 75 hours on the cartridge now ... and just like you said, it is still improving. We were comparing notes last night on ot... 
Well Tempered Signature turntable and arm
Bdp24.I knew of Brooks Berdan but never used his services, so I cannot compare his work with Elliot's. In today's world, Elliot seems to have the WWT under control. Its kind of a love/hate relationship. He hates to set them up, but then always say... 
Pani ... New ART-9 up and running ...
As my ART-9 continues to break in, it continues to amaze. Mr. Golden Ears came over for a listening session this past Saturday and was blown away. We've all heard the old saying that "its like a new record collection," right? In this case it's true. 
Well Tempered Signature turntable and arm
Hi, Breezer ...Yes, I removed the rubber feet years ago. The table rests on little donut shaped dampers, and in each "hole" rests a tungsten carbide ball bearing. Underneath the "ball bearing" feet, is two slabs of marble with damping material san... 
Well Tempered Signature turntable and arm
I've had the original WWT in my system since they first came out. I bought it new. Over the years, I've added several mods. The Brass clamp for the tonearm well was a significant improvement. Rewiring the arm with Cardas wire was another. If you o... 
My system sounds great.
nonoise ...I checked out the Laguiole pocket knives on Ebay ... the most expensive first. I see what you like about them. Beautifully graceful with wonderful craftsmanship. 
Snobbiest audio websites
Trump's hair IS wire. Gotta say though ... he has the establishment shaking in its boots. Oh Gawd, I promised myself I wouldn't get into politics on this forum. Being to the right of Darth Vader I know I'd piss at least half of you off. Sorry ... 
Free $3K preamp to lucky listener who names it
Looking forward to my new preamp. Thanks. 
It Was 40 Years Ago Today...
Thanks but no thanks. I'll take Sarah Vaughn. 
looking for a recording with nice wide soundstage
"Jazz at the Pawnshop" is an audiophile favorite. I haven't heard the CD version, but I use my vinyl release to initiate "newbies" into what a home based audio system can do. Its Swedish musicians trying to emulate some of the great American jazz ... 
ARC VT-50 Damage/Repair Advice
Here's another alternative ... I own an ARC Classic 60 that I use for a spare amp. I've had it since new. When I sold my REF-75 I had to wait for the new REF-75se to be built. I took the CL-60 into the Tech to have it checked over and any necessar...