
Responses from opus88

Preamp Deal of the Century
In my latest effort to deal with the "glaring" issue associated with my Cortese referred to above, I acquired and tried the RCA gray glass (actually, the earlier "lightening bolt" logo 6SN7GTs that preceded the VT-231 incarnation) and the KenRad 6... 
Whats the best record cleaning fluid?
Psychicanimal : Watch it ! You may get a visit from the Charmed Ones. (Actually, that wouldn't be too bad.) 
SME iV.Vi or SME V for SME 20 turntable?
Your point is wll taken, Nsgarch, and you are right. My comments did not reflect your observation from the standpoint of separating the matter of wire differences from the tonearm itself. My apologies for the oversight. 
Whats the best record cleaning fluid?
Try and see if you can get hold of the purest lab grade alcohol you can find. Ditto the purest grade water. Mix 25% of the alcohol with 75% of the water to use for cleaning your lps. Keep both the pure,unused alcohol and your 25/75 mix in glass bo... 
SME iV.Vi or SME V for SME 20 turntable?
Nsgarch is correct. I completely forgot about that tonearm height adjustment mechanism. And the arm IS somewhat of a pain in the butt to adjust, as I've realized when dealing with long play records of varying degrees of thickness. However, I do no... 
SME iV.Vi or SME V for SME 20 turntable?
Jaytea: I do not and never have had an SME 20/2 turntable, only a VPI HW-19 III ; however, I have had both the SME V and SME IV.Vi tonearms. In fact, the IV.Vi is still my current arm. I would listen to the advice from the people at Sumiko. The si... 
Preamp Deal of the Century
Thanks very much Ooslik...I just received some of the earliest RCA 6SN7GTs, and will try them in my system. I am also waiting to receive a few nice sets of early Ken Rads as well as single set of the Tungsol Rounds. Like you, I have on hand an ear... 
RidgeStreetAudio Poiema 3 IC'S?
Robert's Poiema Signature 3 Power Cord gets my emphatic vote too. David12 above mentions improvements in all areas, "...except perhaps imaging.." In my system, imaging benefits tremendously also, especially in one significant way I've NEVER heard ... 
Preamp Deal of the Century
Ooslik...I find it interesting that you mention the following: "...the impression I am getting is that the transients are a bit faster with less glare throughout the musical range." I have burned in for 200 hours both the line and phono stages of ... 
Preamp Deal of the Century
Slipnot1 and Ooslik : Any word yet on what you're hearing with the Revelation Audio Labs umbilical for the Suprateks ? 
recommendations - exquiste chamber music on lp
For wonderfully, heartfelt lyricism, latch on to some of Dvorak's mid to late quartets and quintets, either for strings or piano and strings. Also very satisfying are the quartets for strings and piano and strings of Mozart and Haydn. I also enjoy... 
best classical LP labels
Both the early Decca (rarer big print Decca label) and the early EMI cream and gold label are just about the most natural and finest sounding classical records you will ever find. The Deccas produced in Germany fall far short soundwise compared to... 
Supratek Cortese--avoiding microphonic tubes
I will check into Herbie's tube rings. Incidentally, the fellow who sold me the Sylvania was very considerate and DID give me a refund. And, yes, Sleepwalker, you are correct, caveat emptor is alive and well. 
What does
You say it disappears, but it always returns later. Could it possibly be a leaking capacitor in amp or preamp ? I'm no expert on electronics, but you might run a check on those caps. 
Power Cords
Think I'm losing it lately. What I meant to say above is that the sound seemed to come from behind the wall where the speakers in front of me are located.