

Responses from oleschool

Any thoughts on a solid hickory platform under my tt
Charyoi was just curious , i have a vpi classic jmw 10 and a micro benz / ace also  
What price do you put on your gear?
10 yrs ago i lost my entire house to a fire with my system cj ,linn, proac ,5000 cds and  1500 pristine albums ins laughed at my collection value . I didnt care much about the gear . The collection toook almost 30 yrs . I survived the fire it happ... 
Is my room going to suck
I also have a small child 17mnth daughter ( my world ) and my listening room is directly below her and our ht room is right next to hers .so i get it 8 pm its pretty much over . Many years ago i had a basement setup similar size . I had some treat... 
Curious .. What is the compared price of your tt vs spkrs
cdk    I enjoyed that and I agree this indeed has been interesting.I enjoy the conversation.This hobby has so many small and large variables.Matching the complete setup creating the synergy is the key coupled with the right space and of course the... 
Curious .. What is the compared price of your tt vs spkrs
Agreed ...wow how cool would that be . As for the room acoustic i spent most of my life dealing with acoustics . They can be deal breakers i have read people write about placement and this and that making little difference . Well from my experienc... 
Curious .. What is the compared price of your tt vs spkrs
Jolly 👍I agree .. I was just curious no more no less thanks for your imput  
Curious .. What is the compared price of your tt vs spkrs
Thanks inna  I have somewhat walked away from the music scene amomg others . I enjoy music in general all music .. I find a zen space when im in my listening room spinning vinyl . I simply had a thought one night " i wonder what percent a person h... 
Curious .. What is the compared price of your tt vs spkrs
Inna , Perfect example of room acoustics same show in a bar probly not the same sound ,paco is great ..being around some of the biggest rock musicians in my life and being in the sound engineer field ( which can make quirky seem normal ) it still ... 
Curious .. What is the compared price of your tt vs spkrs
Interesting hearing the comments ..Raul .. I am a musician so i think that way, just me .. Room acoustics play a huge role no matter who says what period! Sometime playback can be epic with less pricey spkrs or equipment . Often it corralates with... 
Curious .. What is the compared price of your tt vs spkrs
Nadric,You are correct,this discussion started by a mid night thought and pure curiousity  .I started the discussion just for fun to hear some imput.It was never meant to credit or discredit anyone choices . 
Curious .. What is the compared price of your tt vs spkrs
I also believe that at a level ,you determine what that is** .The speakers will overtake the tt. If you have a 200k pair of wilsons in a custom room ,well it will be an expensive anolgue rig ,but cost to me doesn't mean great sound in all cases .. 
Curious .. What is the compared price of your tt vs spkrs
I,d rather hear a clean source thru mid grade speakers ,then  mid grade source through high end spkrs .Balance is key(as a musician),I grab my prs or my martin guitar and plug it into a decent amp(even a practice amp ) vs grabbing my mid grade epi... 
Curious .. What is the compared price of your tt vs spkrs
Thats all that matters ...  
Curious .. What is the compared price of your tt vs spkrs
Every heard the same performer at different venues they still slep all the same gear  
Curious .. What is the compared price of your tt vs spkrs
I am enjoying this discussion .. For me i truly believe as difficult as it may be at times in our lives switching rooms or houses, that it all starts with the room then the source ( just like i mentioned my guitar) then downhill just my opinion it...