

Responses from oleschool

Any thoughts on a solid hickory platform under my tt
geoff it makes sense 
Curious .. What is the compared price of your tt vs spkrs
There killer in the right room there tough the beat .. Mine were tubed cj powered  
Any thoughts on a solid hickory platform under my tt
So what do you use tom ? 
Any thoughts on a solid hickory platform under my tt
Geo or bdp or anyone . Would this addition (feet iso ...) have any relevance if this was through headphones or at low levels ? I do not have a headphone setup i was just curious  
Curious .. What is the compared price of your tt vs spkrs
Very nice .....i have had quite a few maggies i was a salesman yrs ago ..  
Curious .. What is the compared price of your tt vs spkrs
Hey stewert what set up are you running for your front end .just curious 
Any thoughts on a solid hickory platform under my tt
Bdp are you saying the iso platform directly on my wallmount steel arms ? Or a platform of wood or granite then  replace my classic's feet with the pods .. Im interested 
Any thoughts on a solid hickory platform under my tt
I will ...i have a very rigid wallmount and am ready to install whatever on top of it and under my tablei know i may sound cheap but i really dont want to spend more then 500 on the platform new or even better used .. I would rather spend the mone... 
Speakers Women Like
My wife loves mine,there in a dedicated room covered .She walks right pass them and cracks the door and pops her head in when im jamming...she thinks i.m crazy and is qiute happy with the ht system 
   I have a m3 nuvista intergrated ,I love it for what it is .It has gobs of power and sounds great.I was interested in doing the mods to my m3 in England .when I spoke to him name splips my mind ex musical fidelity tech. He said with his mods it ... 
Whats playing on your system today?
Bill Bruford 
Any thoughts on a solid hickory platform under my tt
interesting ,geo thanks for the information,i am humbled by the level of knowledge around here. 
Any thoughts on a solid hickory platform under my tt
I understand your comment . I respect it and it all makes sense , but at what level are we talking "the absolute discerning ear"on the absolute set up .. For me personnally i live 3 hrs from an airport on my large off grid ranch , tremours yes occ... 
Any thoughts on a solid hickory platform under my tt
I will check it out . I am not having any problems with vibration that i can discern .. I am still using my stock classic feet and my wood is on spikes then wall mounted obviously sound travels everwhere but i'm not experiencing any audible vibrat... 
Any thoughts on a solid hickory platform under my tt
ebm They are beautiful and i'm sure amazing.I am haveing problems finding pricing on them.I have a nice system to me but i would say modest around these parts.although i am sitting down    ; )