

Responses from oleschool

Equipment Rack
I grew up very close to the original factoryin crownsville  md. and was fortunate enough to be around in the late 80s 90s and some great bday parties for paul ,some real talent would play.I live not far from santa rosa now ..thumbs up 
Calling all room treatment type specialists...
 i know you went a different route but x2 with eric send a high quality pic to gik and have them print it on a panel and i highly suggest room treatment ,it has helped me immensly 
Is there a way to report scammers on Agon?
I have contacted the mods before its usually a women and she will return your text in a day im sure good luck 
Can an accepted offer be a lowball offer too?
    I bought something here from a popular place i will not say.I asked numerous times if these were the latest models?Yes was the response ,I recieved them and they were the previous models from like 8 yrs ago but "new" I pitched a bitch and they... 
Equipment Rack
my guitars are in tune    : ) and my guitar collection dwarfs my audio gear,even those old worn out les pauls and those Paul Reed Smith  pre units oh shiiiz they aren't  the new thannnggg : ) 
What spinning on your turntable today and how does it sound?
i love this...lol astro i will search out that mazzy i have tattoo you also sounds great ....Thanks fork i am checking into this one... 
Can an accepted offer be a lowball offer too?
Can an accepted offer be a lowball offer too?
Gosh knows i have been disapointed when i opened up a box and saw what i paid top dollar for .Happens all the time from ebay ..luck of the draw ,thats why trusted sites are best.But if i accept an offer ,how is that being low balled i am not pawni... 
Finally stepping into the hobby after 30 years of watching from the sidelines
Make sure you occaionally check you messages buddy ... 
Can an accepted offer be a lowball offer too?
ditto selllers regret does not interest me .we could fill a gig of space listing the things we all wish we hadn't or sold too cheap. I want my tandberg reel to reel back damit.oh that was 25 yrs ago lol 
A New Comprehensive Turntable Setup Video
I,m interested .... 
What spinning on your turntable today and how does it sound?
Hey shepard whats the label and year if ya dont mind?    I think this will be fun and also help alot when i or anyone here is thumbing thru and searching out vinyl .     Of course there are other much more detailed sources for this but i havn't he... 
Finally stepping into the hobby after 30 years of watching from the sidelines
The prima luna are nice.(pretty too) I do not want to bust on any dealer there are many good ones ,i was a salesmen for yrs at a brick and mortor back in the day.All i can give is my opinion cotton,and in this hobby of 35plus years the ole "one ma... 
Equipment Rack
I,m not a pro geoff ,all i know is they made a marked improvemnent in my setup (guitars ya i know my way around the 100 plus i have owned after 35 yrs ).I,m sure there are better or newer setups i cannot respond because i use the audiopoints.Regar... 
What spinning on your turntable today and how does it sound?
8 bks and a good clean and it sounds great as does aja but thats another post lol .. Bring em on and turn your tt off lol . Remember when your old gerrard lifted up at the end of an lp and returned lol