

Responses from oleschool

Finally stepping into the hobby after 30 years of watching from the sidelines
I painted my room in textured cement block paint , (drywall on 6" thick timber frame), it created almost like a smooth 50 grit sandpaper( it has sand in it, or add it in ) . Then i repainted it with laytex . It looks cool and has a small pebble te... 
Finally stepping into the hobby after 30 years of watching from the sidelines
Addressing room acoustics ( before or after) is as important as what your choice in equipment will be to accent your room in sound and the bling you seek . The info in this thread is massive and the opinions are many. You are obviously hooked agai... 
Money well spent
Ya i hear ya . I have had amazing tube setups over the yrs .. I cant get that dam vac 110 out of my dreams lol ... It has an inboard 4 tube stage its bitchin for the bucks . I just have to many hobbies lol and my 20 mnth old daughter doesnt leave ... 
Why do I keep torturing myself with remasters?
Sound good to me , although i never have . My concern with heat is flattening the grooves also 
Finding Pure Water for Record Cleaning - very long
Man i feel like i just read miby dick lolalot of info i just have an ro machine  honestly never used it for vinyl mostly premixes and enzymes  
Why do I keep torturing myself with remasters?
Ive never even seen a flattner in person , is this set up worth the 200 bks  
Money well spent
I read it all dentdog very interesting  
Money well spent
Its a website regarding the trans fi table  gik did a great job for me but this thread was about a cartridge turntable thoughts lol 
Money well spent
Gik treatment is my go too . Monster upgrade in sound for my med size room  
Money well spent
I would like to try the fuses but the god awful long battles here on them is tough to read thru lol 
Money well spent
My room is treated at this time , i have 4 fuses in my intergrated that 500 bks . I have decent fuses in there now , i am on the fence with 100 dollar fuses . And haven't heard the at I believe your comment but it is in the same price range im alr... 
worst sounding great lps
Why do I keep torturing myself with remasters?
I agree ehto    I lost thousand of albums to a house fire ,replacing them is virtually impossible.I shop in the obvious places and see something I had used for 50 bks to hundreds .That puts alot in prospective for me ,I think to myself  "if i coul... 
Money well spent
I tried to find dark lantern ? 
Money well spent
dentdog,        I hear so many good things about the transfi .i guess the only downfall if it is or not ,that its not blinged out.The machining is practical and functional not as much for the eyecandy.I know terry here using two of the arms and li...