
Responses from oakiris

Power cord suggestions for CDP and tube amp
I really don't have any complaints about the way my system sounds now with stock cords. I've read a lot about how the "right" power cord can improve the sound of a system so I want to try some different cords to see if I can hear a - hopefully pos... 
Upgrade suggestions - from Rotel 1066 receiver
You guys are right. There really is no justifiable reason to upgrade my Rotel receiver - which I incorrectly posted as a 1066 - it is an RSX1055. :-o I've been replacing a lot of components in the last month or so and I think my upgraditis spilled... 
Power cord suggestions for CDP and tube amp
Hi Thorman - thank you for the offer of help. I will indeed email you!Holly 
Power cord suggestions for CDP and tube amp
Thank you both for your responses. I will look into the cables suggested. Any other recommendations?Thorman - stupid noob question for you. On the VH site, Chris is offering 15 Amp or 20 Amp versions of the power cord - I have seen these 2 selecti... 
Recommend LCD / plasma TV ?
I just bought a Samsung LNS4692D (46" LCD) and really like it. I decided against the 1080p version, which is indeed already available, since I was under the impression that it will be a couple of years down the road before media with this resoluti... 
Killer Specs for High End PC in 2006
I recommend the Lian Li cases, too. Great cooling, which is very helpful if you have multiple hard drives (music server,) and a heat-emitting graphics card (or 2 -SLI,) excellent build quality IMHO, very easy to work with - no sharp edges. Here is... 
Need an audio switch box - 2 sources/1 pr speakers
I see I won't be getting any responses to this post; my guess is that switches are not much approved of here. Just in case any one is interested, I purchased the Mapletree Audio LR1 line router. I should be receiving it in a couple of weeks. I am ... 
CDP Upgrade
Hammergjh - You certainly have more patience than I do; once I have "upgraditis" I can't wait for months to buy! Good for you - you are taking the time to audition all comers and buy the one that pleases your ears the most. Just to throw some more... 
Was your first cartridge relatively expensive?
Well, here I am chiming in. :-) I really love my Teres 160/Moerch DP6/Zyx R100H system. I have not heard the VPI Scoutmaster so can make no comparison between the two tables, but have read posts by a lot of happy VPI owners, so I imagine either ta... 
New Cartridge for Morch DP-6, 12", Red Dot
I have a Moerch 12" Blue Dot armwand; I use it with the Zyx R100H cartridge and love the combo. I believe the blue dot wand is heavier than the red dot so I am not sure if the Zyx (a very light cartridge) would work for you, but there are other Zy... 
Joan Baez - Do I just not get it?
Thank you for that link, Fatparrot. I had no idea that she was still so active in humanitarian causes - and it looks as if I am missing more albums than I realized, too!Holly 
Joan Baez - Do I just not get it?
I have almost every album that Joan Baez has made and had the privilege of seeing/hearing her in concert many years ago. I think her voice is wonderful and have great admiration for her courage and convictions "back in the day." I grew up in the 5... 
Bulk cable for 40 ft. runs
Readster - I notice you don't have any Monster cables in your set up... (j/k)I still use some Monster optical and component cables, and will keep these in my HT set up, so I meant no insult to my fellow Monster cable users.Holly 
Bulk cable for 40 ft. runs
Thank you for all of your suggestions. I ended up going to Blue Jeans Cable and getting a couple of 45 ft. terminated cables. Cheap enough (though the Canare Star Quad would have been cheaper.) I'm not expecting to have much of a sonic improvement... 
Bulk cable for 40 ft. runs
How about this wire from Parts Express? http://www.partsexpress.com/pe/pshowdetl.cfm?&DID=7&Partnumber=100-947&ctab=4#TabsAbout $80 - lots cheaper than Canare or Kimber...Holly