
Responses from o_holter

Which Pre-Amp Pass Labs or Audio Research
With some tube changes I like my recently bought Einstein The Tube mk2. Search and you will find the Audiogon thread. It may not be your cup of tea, but I mention it also since I saw it in the Audiogon ads, reasonably priced. 
Upgrade advice needed
It may be that your primary problem is your source. A turntable is perhaps not on your horizon, but what about DSD or similar digital sound quality? I have a good turntable system, it blows digital out of the water, but DSD or other high level is ... 
Preamp for Aesthetix / Atma-sphere
Jafox - sorry, I see now that you did try the 12bh7 in the Einstein. I guess it is fine, but I want to double check with them.Albertporter - power cable - yes, I have seen other users reporting this also. I will change from the stock cable, but it... 
Preamp for Aesthetix / Atma-sphere
Two days ago I got the RCA 12BH7A black plates. Wow! Best so far. The sound stage is larger, more bass especially. This really engages the room, I can hear it from the next room (kitchen) too. I’ve never heard Pink Floyd: Pulse (the LP box) this g... 
Preamp for Aesthetix / Atma-sphere
Thanks Audiolabyrinth, I agree. Atmasphere, grateful for your warning note, I am checking with Einstein. Jafox noted earlier in the thread that the 12BH7 may work fine even if the specs are not quite right, but he does not say that he tried it in ... 
Preamp for Aesthetix / Atma-sphere
Audiolabyrinth - CBS Hytron - I have not A/B tested much, but what I can say is, it stays, compared to the stock Jan Philips. Very enjoyable, although perhaps the one I got is a bit used, I dont know. My system now is very chameleon-like, the "sou... 
Preamp for Aesthetix / Atma-sphere
Re tube matching in Einstein The tube mk2:Brent Jessee who sold the two Siemens tubes for the phono inputs, and the Telefunken 12au7, has mailed that these are really NOS and need to be broken in. Whereas the CBS Hytron I bought on Ebay has been u... 
Tubes and vibration - Atma-sphere MA-1
The frames looked a bit strange and did not yield any clear benefit, so now, like many of my tweaks, they are gone again. Oh well... 
Preamp for Aesthetix / Atma-sphere
Preamp for Aesthetix / Atma-sphere
Needfreestuff - I was adviced by Brent Jessee (audiotubes.com) that the Siemens 6922s he sells, NOS from the 60s, were almost as good as Telefunken, with a similar sound, for less cost, so I bought them, and use them now for the phono inputs on th... 
Preamp for Aesthetix / Atma-sphere
Charles1dad - "true musical emotion and involvement"Well said. Nothing else matters really. 
Preamp for Aesthetix / Atma-sphere
I wonder if Einstein The Tube mk2 would sound even better with a bit less gain (it has no gain adjustment, just 12db). This may be influenced by the tubes I use. Not sure, is the RCA 12bh7 tube equal to other 12au7 variants, regarding gain? I noti... 
Preamp for Aesthetix / Atma-sphere
I have still not received the RCA that I ordered due to advice from Jafox. For the last days, I have been listening to Einstein The Tube with the NOS Siemens/Halske 6922 and Telefunken smooth plate 12au7. Playing the Beach Boys: Pet Sounds LP (DCC... 
Preamp for Aesthetix / Atma-sphere
"Sort of hung up on OTL" - this could be better explained. I had the Krell FPB600, the Dynaudio Consequence mk2, and should have been happy ever after. Trouble was, I wasn't. A main reason was, the Krell and the Consequence speakers only came into... 
Preamp for Aesthetix / Atma-sphere
Thanks! The enjoyment is mutual. Looking at your system, I feel I might have gone your way too, into SET, after I quit solid-state, but I was sort of hung up by OTL - but enjoying it a lot so far. I guess it is no coincidence that it excels with '...