
Responses from nyaudio98

What's the greatest bargain in SET these days?
Great info as always Rebbi. 
Capacitor log Mundorf Silver in Oil
The speaker above and better then the signature is the statement which I have. Grannyring, thank you very much for your posts and info. 
Capacitor log Mundorf Silver in Oil
I have the statements which are top of the line booksgelf in the lsa line... 
What the best 89-90 db speaker I can buy for 3k?
This is a great thread 
further to $ 2000. bookshelf speakers
Fritz also well well well reviewed..great guy to speak to and puts alot of time into his speakers 
What speakers for 10k?
Vapor is a custom speaker shop, when you discuss your tastes for music and sound...ryan and pete will make suggestions for upgrades. Vapor, without a doubt, offers sensational speaker for the money. For example, I purchased the lsa statement 1's a... 
New Bookshelf speakers u love 3k to 6k
I started this thread to see what other thought of speakers costing more and which ones. The ref 3 a de capo's have gotten sensational feedback from many many many people. 
What's the greatest bargain in SET these days?
Rebi, great thread. What 3 recommendations do you have for the mm de capo's..without spending over 2500 if possible..ty 
Best Integrated, period.
How much is that piece from Exemplar.. 
Capacitor log Mundorf Silver in Oil
Recommend me an upgrade to the LSA statement 1 monitors pls? 
further to $ 2000. bookshelf speakers
If you are going to go nola boxer, check out his upgraded version of the nola he custom makes. 
Ref 3A Dulcets vs Vapor sound
Fantastic read Rebbi. 
Ref 3A Dulcets vs Vapor sound
I don't think you need anymore reviews then that one from Terry London, who by coincidence reviewed the lsa statement previously. 
Ref 3A Dulcets vs Vapor sound
Ref 3A Dulcets vs Vapor sound
Hard for me to say exactly my thoughts, it is missing something special. It could be my Peachtree decco 65..but i def want better. How much better are the de capo's?