
Responses from nyaudio98

Vapor Sound Audio/tons of Value for $$$$
Ref 3a de capo is a leader in my future/near future purchase 
Describe ube sound vs solid state
ube is the new technology for tubes..lol 
Capacitor log Mundorf Silver in Oil
Why is the resale vale poor on modded speakers?/ If the sound is better, why would that be a negative? 
Tubes/name top 5 units
TV's not yet..lol. Top 3-5k to spend on electronics in total. Let's say you spend 3-4k on speakers. What would you guys recommend for electronics..in total 
Best Integrated, period.
Thanks Kevin. I have spoken to John previously and if I do I will def mention you and appreciate the info. Parasound is coming out with an integrated with alot of power and is 2499..should be avail in 30 days. 
Difference in Revel F52 series speakers
I listened to the M105/106 and they sounded very good..imaging was amazing. They are part of the Performa 3 series and im pretty sure the revel website explains the difference. 
Moving up from LSA Statement integrated
De capo's are much better with tubes 
New Bookshelf speakers u love 3k to 6k
New Bookshelf speakers u love 3k to 6k
Let's throw another hat into the ring, ACF..just won bookshelf stand mount speaker of the yr abs sound and some people i've spoken to have said it's mindblowing what u hear for 4399.. 
Capacitor log Mundorf Silver in Oil
Based on postings in this thread, the value in upgrading is definately there and worthwhile. Now, it's a matter of spending money in a speaker for better listening or selling as is and finding another speaker. 
Capacitor log Mundorf Silver in Oil
I wanted to clarify my posting. I had spoken to John Tucker who was very honest and straightforward in regards to his lsa monitors. He did give me the values of the crossover. The subsequent posting from me was from someone who mods speakers and g... 
Kef LS50 vs. Emerald Physics CS3 mk2
Slightly off topic, 2 speakers come to mind that trump the LS 50. Reference 3 a mm de capo new version and the vapor sound stiff breeze. 
Bogdan Audio speakers
Contact Ryan at vapor sound..he has speakers that cost 6k that are 10k anywhere else. He puts alot of money into top end parts. 
Capacitor log Mundorf Silver in Oil
Grannyring, your feedback is epic and much appreciated!! I'd want the best imaging possible and very detailed music. 
Capacitor log Mundorf Silver in Oil
have the lsa statement speakers...this is what the owner/enginner said about speakers..The resisters are 6.2 and 12 ohms. The caps are 4uf and 10uf. The inductors are 1.2mh and .357mh.We certainly have great parts available to dramatically improve...