Responses from notec
Which artists' music do you buy without audition Son VoltJay FarrarCalifoneMonahansRichmond FontaineSteven R. SmithWilcoJ. Tillman | |
Metheny show...who is excited? I've seen him half dozen times. Last time I fell asleep and was woken up by an usher trying to close the place up.Looking forward to the vinyl release of ORCHESTRION. | |
Turntable Recommendation Nottingham Interspace Jr w/Lyra Dorian = $3100 (pay cash get the 5-10% discount) .. | |
Harbeth vs Proac Harbeths are ugly as sin. I've heard their mid's are to die for (with the right gear) but are thin in the bass. That's not what I wanted in a speaker. I dont listen to a lot of classical either. So, for that reason, I went with the Proac D2s (plus... | |
Whats on your turntable tonight? Monahans - Low PiningThe music/band is phenomenal. This slab, that I have on my tt right now is - one of the best recorded/pressing's = great sounding records I have heard to date.Genre: Indie Rock (Americana) | |
LFD vs Blue Circle Have to say I love my LFD. Looking at the Blue Circle website and the "guts" of their integrated amps - they look way more "complicated" than the LFD's insides. Not as simple to say the least.When I cracked my LFD open to upgrade the fuses I could... | |
Tom Evans Groove X, Aesthetix Rhea or JLTI Thought about the JTLI but went with the Jasmine LP-2.0 SE. Very pleased with this phono stage... | |
mhdt havana vs streamer+ ....anyone? Not a big digital fan but I've had the Havana in my system for almost a year now. I love it. It's warm, musical and detailed. Looking to replace the stock tube with a WE 396A... | |
Attn Vinyl lovers - what CD Player do you use? Squeezebox Duet > MHDT Lab Havana DAC | |
anyone use ikea for lp racks? I used IKEA shelving briefly (cant remember the name of the units) before I found Gothic Furniture LP Racks. By far superior to anything IKEA makes.'ve got six of these (on ... | |
Any body has listened to TW Acustic Raven 0.5? Notec, was the arm, cartridge and phono stage the same when you did the comparison?@Leman - the arm was not the same. The cart (Lyra Dorian), amp (Mystère), phono preamp, speakers, speaker wire were. | |
Any body has listened to TW Acustic Raven 0.5? I heard the Raven 0.5 and the Nottingham Interspace Jr. and liked the Interspace Jr. better. | |
Cartridge Loading Short:47 kohm when you have a preamp which can do it without sounding thin, dead and analytical 1kohm when you have a normal preamp below 200ohms when you have a very analytical and harsh sounding high end System and you want to soften it. or MM P... | |
Best Integrated Amp You Ever Heard? LFD LE III | |
Simaudio Lp3 vs Lp 5.3 I demo'd both. The LP5.3 was much better than the LP3 with better imaging but twice the price. Bought the LP3. Which did ok for most of the music I listen to (rock) but did "distort" at the top when pushed, and was a bit thin at the bottom end. Re... |