
Responses from northman

a remarkably basic question about Roon
And thank you as well, kr4. Very helpful!  I'm sorry about the confusing term "media player." That's the term that Bryston uses for the part of its software program that selects songs, shows streaming rates, and controls volume. It's the face of ... 
a remarkably basic question about Roon
Thank you, thyname. That confirms what I've been reading. One of the reasons that I find their website confusing is that they seem to have moved away from the "end point" language and now primarily talk about "apps" and "devices," using the term "... 
Listening to music I don’t particularly like
I'm sure we've all been guilty at times of listening to the equipment rather than the music, especially with new gear. That's a big part of this "hobby." I am skeptical, though, when someone equates a love of equipment with a love of music. I some... 
Why I sold my Magnepan .7's
I doubt the salesman was too worried that you'd abandon the .7s ($1400) to buy the SF ($25,000). He would have gotten over it.  Also, what everyone else has said. The Maggies take some placement but what a pleasure--and what a bargain.  
The volume of my speakers going down by itself and going back again in a minute or two
You write: "I just upgraded a used Audio Research tube Preamp and a power amp." Do you mean that you upgraded to a used Audio Research preamp and amp ... or that you had the used preamp and amp upgraded? Also, as obvious as this is, if the used e... 
Any thoughts on the Woo WA11?
HA! I had probably the same Koss cans. We're talking 1975 or so. I always assumed that the splitting headache was from the Zeppelin I was cranking into my ears!  @soix , it'll be mostly be an iPhone > amp/dac > headphones. So an amp/dac com... 
Any thoughts on the Woo WA11?
Thank you for your encouraging response. And you're so very right that he's lucky. I never had anything like that at his age; in fact, when it comes to headphones, I don't have anything like that at my age! He's a music major, passionate about lis... 
What were the radio stations of your youth that helped you on your music/audio journey?
I'm late to this but fun to see the references to WPLR in New Haven. I listened every night to Stoneman's curated shows. "I'm Stoneman. Enjoy." And of course when he signed off, he used that doctored bit of John Prine's "Illegal Smile." I listened... 
Live music you have attended that left impact....perhaps better than you expected.
I've seen a lot of shows but I have to say I'm beyond impressed with some of these lists. Here are a few of my memorable nights--not necessarily the biggest bands but the shows that stay with me: X (1981, I think; I've since interviewed John Doe ... 
Bands/artists you never got to see live in their heyday, but would've liked to.
@tvad, say WHAT? The Minutemen >>> Bonnie Raitt? That's more than my mind can take in! I saw a relatively unknown Van Halen open for Black Sabbath; a completely unknown U2 play for a small crowd in a club; an up-and-coming Stevie Ray in ... 
Bands/artists you never got to see live in their heyday, but would've liked to.
This is fun. I've seen a heck of a lot of shows going back almost 45 years but I did drop the ball on a few, notably: Talking Heads The Minutemen Pete Seeger Zeppelin I've seen Neil but I wish I had caught some of those 1979 shows with Crazy ... 
One big reason why brick and mortar high end audio dealers struggle.
That sounds right. 
One big reason why brick and mortar high end audio dealers struggle.
Thanks. I don’t see much to do about used equipment, though I can see why that’s a problem for dealers. As for authorized dealers, it makes sense to me that the companies should either not allow authorized dealers to sell demos/refurbished ... or ... 
One big reason why brick and mortar high end audio dealers struggle.
We seem to be universally blaming the tire-kickers who end up buying online, and we seem to be debating the qualities of dealers who can be unwelcoming and condescending. The assumption is that it's cheaper to buy online. But is it? Which high-end... 
Right Channel dropped out Bryston BP-26P (upgraded from BP-25P)
Well done, all around.