

Responses from normb

The best plug in filter ever!
My bad, folks. I was under the impression that audiophiles were on the main seekers of actual, verifiable, quantifiable, information.  Yes, yes, “how it SOUNDS” is ultimately the goal here - but hearing is so different for so many people. Reading... 
The best plug in filter ever!
The best plug in filter ever!
@jerryg123 Thanks for this link. It’s far more useful than the preadolescent ad hominem sort of comment you preceded it with. But I’ve gotten used to the childish audio geekazoid insults one reads when often insupportable shibboleths are challe... 
The best plug in filter ever!
“Legitimate [test]data” vs anecdotal opinion (anecdotes are not “evidence”).    It’s why I put a link in a comment a few posts ago referencing ASR’s review of the Furutech whatsis. If you read (both past or present tense) it, you wouldn’t ask t... 
The best plug in filter ever!
Or not. i think I’ll wait for some legitimate data, not anecdotes.    
The best plug in filter ever!
@shkong78  thanks. I’m considering this (Puron) for my birthday next month.      
The best plug in filter ever!
@dogberry  is there any consensus - yet - on aspirin?    
The best plug in filter ever!
Isn’t this gizmo roughly the same thing? http://www.enjoythemusic.com/magazine/equipment/0621/Furutech_NCF_Clear_Line_AC_Power_Line_Optimizer_Review.htm    
The best plug in filter ever!
@dogberry this would be a good thing to have evaluated by audiosciencereview. for the “science.” otherwise it’s like Reiki or homeopathy, unable to withstand RCT scrutiny beyond placebo efficacy. (BTW, what I’ve learned since med school in the... 
The best plug in filter ever!
So this isn’t a “pass-through” unit, but goes into another wall socket? “I have used Puron in the same Duplex that has the Mains for my Core Power 1000. I’ve also used two Purons – in that same Duplex, as well as Position One on the CPT 1K.”  I’... 
Phono Cartridge Purchase from Asia?
I bought a Benz Micro Glider SL two years ago from KRON. Just weeks later I got Covid, and literally forgot all about the cartridge I’d put aside for later. I’d even posted here asking for input on choosing another cartridge when I realized I al... 
Best Alignment Protractor?
@dogberry I’d considered buying one of several “pricey” alignment jigs(protractors, gadgets) while using an SME 3009 S2 tonearm with several cartridges.., I was using basic Hudson HiFi (my dog’s name is Hudson - seemed like a no-brainer) tools an... 
Record crates
IKEA. Man. I never thought of that. I still own shelves I bought outside München in ‘82… I’ll take a look. Thanks.  
Whats on your turntable tonight?
Whats on your turntable tonight?
RAMMSTEIN https://a.co/d/gJ3iq21