

Responses from noble100

Do I need a sub woofer to match my ATC SCM11s
Hi mapman,    Don't you think it's more difficult to optimize the positioning of large full range speakers in relation to the listening seat since the midrange, treble and bass drivers are all located within a single cabinet?       I don't conside... 
Class D is just Dandy!
georgehifi, There’s a vast number of class D amp owners literally throughout the world that have absolutely no doubt about whether their amps are extraordinary performers in their systems. Yes, the great majority of them have switching frequencies... 
Do I need a sub woofer to match my ATC SCM11s
Hello noble 100,"some systems use two subs, -is the integration of two subs easier, more seamless."Hello changeout,     In most systems and rooms, I think 2 subs will provide better bass performance than 1, 3 subs will work better than 2 and 4 s... 
Class D is just Dandy!
jwincville22, You’re likely getting no responses to your request for sound quality reports on the 2 newer 52X and 54X ATI class D amps because you’re only reaching members who own one of these specific amps AND happen to still be following this lo... 
Do I need a sub woofer to match my ATC SCM11s
Hello jeres8860,     You're welcome, I'm glad you thought it was useful.      I don't consider myself a bass expert, I've just learned a lot over the years trying to integrate good bass response with various Magnepan speakers in my system and room... 
Do I need a sub woofer to match my ATC SCM11s
Jeres8860,     Congratulations on your new REL sub.       If you're just going to utilize a single sub in your room, the best you can hope to attain is good bass response and integration with your main speakers at your preferred listening seat.   ... 
Do I need a sub woofer to match my ATC SCM11s
jeres8860,     Do you have a budget for your sub? 
Do I need a sub woofer to match my ATC SCM11s
jeres8860,     If you like your ATC mains and have the space in your room, I think I have a good solution for you.     It's called a distributed bass array system and it provides state of the art bass response in virtually any room and integrates ... 
Small or large sub for music
     As I've stated previously, I was originally very skeptical about the DEBRA dba system.  The $3K price, having the space in my room to locate 4 subs in my 23 x 16 foot room without issues, would the system  actually work as advertised and woul... 
Small or large sub for music
erik_squires:" TBC, having the space and money to have 4 subs is not the normal music lover's situation." erik,     Understood.  I consider myself fortunate that I was able to accommodate the relatively small 4 Debra subs in my room without issu... 
Small or large sub for music
Hello mapman,     Sorry, I'm a bit confused by your last post.       As I understand it and in other words, you're stating that deep bass extension down to about 20 Hz can be achieved in most larger rooms through either a single large sub with a l... 
Small or large sub for music
Hello akg_ca,     No matter how high quality or expensive the subs utilized, having just 2 subs in any given room/system is incapable of producing sota bass response throughout the entire room.  The optimum potential is good bass reproduction at a... 
Small or large sub for music
Iseanheis 1: "I would disagree and say that getting the phase, crossover, sub volume, and room modes taken care of are more important than a high quality sub.""     I agree and would suggest getting the room modes taken care of (significantly re... 
Anyone Else Using an Audio Kinesis Swarm or Debra Distributed Bass Array System?
Hello Duke,     First, I am thrilled, as I'm sure you are, to discover that you're still alive and kicking!     I am thoroughly embarrassed and want to apologize profusely for my bone head mistake.  I wanted to find out a bit more about you and mi... 
Subwoofer recommendation for Dynaudio Confidence C4
karurravi,     It sounds to me like your system is for music only, no ht duties.     If so, you're probably only concerned with good bass response at your listening position and don't require good bass response throughout your entire room.     The...