

Responses from noble100

Tube pre for class d recommendations
owentdc,     I googled your integrated and found a review on 6 Moons.com.  Here's a link:https://6moons.com/audioreviews/wyred3/sti.html     It's a very positive review and it contains separate evaluations of the linestage preamp and power amp sec... 
Tube pre for class d recommendations
orpheus10:"If class D is so good, why do you need a tube pre? Why not a class D pre?" Hello orpheus10,     I’m not aware of any class D preamps, either. But it’s my understanding that there’s no sound quality or other benefits to be gained from cr... 
Which Class D Amplifier? PS Audio, Ghent, Nord, Merrill or other???
Okay, thanks. 
Which Class D Amplifier? PS Audio, Ghent, Nord, Merrill or other???
Hello georgehifi,     Thanks for the link to the EAS™ eGaNAMP2016 amp module. I’m a bit confused, is this an EPC or EAS class D amp module? Or is EAS just using a standard EPC module for their amp?     I was assuming that EAS built a proprietary m... 
Tube pre for class d recommendations
owentdc,     From my experience owning 3 class D amps and those I've heard in others' systems, I believe they all have some common sonic characteristics: very good bass response, low noise floors, good dynamics, are highly detailed from top to bot... 
Which Class D Amplifier? PS Audio, Ghent, Nord, Merrill or other???
     The EPC eGaN FETs switch 10x faster than silicon MOSFETs and have zero stored charge.  I'm guessing that probably improves sound quality when used in a class D amp..  Elegant Audio Solutions in Austin, Texas, created a class D amplifier (200 ... 
Adcom GFA 555 II
"Also can you please advise on why you moved on from the ClassD Audio SDS-440-CS and the pros and cons that you experienced with it."Hi daywalker702, It was mainly out of curiosity and a desire to gain more experience with class D amps that I move... 
Adcom GFA 555 II
daywalker702, As I understand it, the Adcom 555 II amps were designed by Nelson Pass and are stable down to 1 ohm. However, even Nelson Pass has stated on DIY Audio that the Adcom 555 was not a great bridged amp.https://www.diyaudio.com/forums/sol... 
How to DIY yourself very nice Class D monoblocks
     Good thread Erik.      Building your own class D amps is an excellent way to get hi-end sound quality at an affordable price.  The performance levels of the more recent class D modules are, in my opinion, outstanding and this technology has b... 
Which Class D Amplifier? PS Audio, Ghent, Nord, Merrill or other???
Hello tweak1,      It seems you've discovered another benefit of class D amps that I don't think has been mentioned thus far in this thread: good examples of class D amps are basically a 'straight wire with gain ', which is numerous experts' def... 
Which Class D Amplifier? PS Audio, Ghent, Nord, Merrill or other???
Hello Michael,,     Very nice post with some very interesting information and thoughts from a system tuner's perspective.     As a layman, I think it's an important reminder that designing and engineering a good sounding audio amp, regardless of t... 
Which Class D Amplifier? PS Audio, Ghent, Nord, Merrill or other???
Mapman: " Also I do not hear the issues George claims even at this modest cost." Reports from those who do hear issues, with class D or T, are scarce. Rumor has it that georgehifi’s real father is an Australian sheep dog, perhaps he can hear dog w... 
Which Class D Amplifier? PS Audio, Ghent, Nord, Merrill or other???
slimpikins5,     I don't think I've degraded to nasty commentary toward georgehifi in my posts.  I think he has the right to say anything he wants.    After all, this is an audio forum everybody.  One member posts a question or statement and the o... 
Is it time to upgrade
     A distributed bass array system was one of the best upgrades I've ever made to my system.  The complete systems cost about $3,000 and consists of 4 relatively small subs and a 1K watt amp that drives all 4 of the 4 ohm subs.       These bass ... 
Which Class D Amplifier? PS Audio, Ghent, Nord, Merrill or other???
Hello georgehifi,     I can not only handle the truth, I respect it and have a habit of speaking it. Can you claim the same?     It is true that you did post about the newer GaN technology a while ago and their potential beneficial potential for a...