

Responses from noble100

Manufacturers pushing their products and agenda in the forums.
viridian,     I'm just interested about what motivated you to start a thread, which in my opinion is much ado about nothing, in the first place.  Why exactly do you think this is a big issue and why do you have such difficulty discerning between l... 
Why the fascination with subwoofers?
Hello hifidream/Steve,      Nice to hear of your daughter's successes.  I wish her the best.     Thank you for taking the time to respond to my previous post.  You have assembled a very impressive custom dba system with very high quality Magnepan ... 
Why the fascination with subwoofers?
mijostyn: "Hey Noble, Real Bad Idea. I love Maggie 20.7s but adding two more bass panels is just going to give you a lot more of no bass.(below 40 Hz)Dipoles make crappy subwoofers. There is this myth out there that you can not mate a dynamic sub ... 
Why the fascination with subwoofers?
Hello rauliruegas,     I just consider myself a student of good home audio, too. Over the last decade or so, I've mainly been on a quest for good home audio bass response.       Through experimentation and research, I've found some methods for ach... 
Why the fascination with subwoofers?
audiokinesis: "The "no bass" you mentioned happens at the rear wall, not out in the room, or so the theory goes."Hey Duke,     Okay, that makes a lot more sense to me now.  When I win the lottery, I'll buy a pair of Magnepan 20.7s and some extra b... 
Why the fascination with subwoofers?
rauliruegas:"Not for you but for other gentlemans this link could help to understand better the overall bass management: http://www.soundoctor.com/whitepapers/subs.htm "Hello rauliruegas,   First I read anything from the doctor.   I don't think t... 
Manufacturers pushing their products and agenda in the forums.
     My take is that this entire thread is a bit ridiculous and has been going on far longer than the topic merits.  I believe the OP, viridian, likely intention was just to stir the pot since I doubt anyone would have such delicate sensibilities,... 
Why the fascination with subwoofers?
audiokinesis:"Once we relax cost constraints, it might make more sense to build a planar array into the front wall and a corresponding array into the rear wall, reverse the polarity of the rear wall array, and time-delay it such that it cancels th... 
Why the fascination with subwoofers?
bdp24,         Excellent description of bass , thank you.  I often find it difficult to describe in words what I consider good bass response but I think your information about "critically damped" at a specific system Q factor of 0.7, wich is a goo... 
BBC Radio 3: Being Orson
cd318: "@noble100 , with a £5 billion annual budget financed by the British public perhaps we have a right to ask a few questions, don't you think?"     5 billion pound budget and a mandatory 155 pounds/yr subscription fee?     You bet you should ... 
BBC Radio 3: Being Orson
" It's now little more than a publicly financed overblown political football on numbered days."     Well, kicking that BBC political football when it's down should surely help, right?  British thinking at its best.Cheers,  Tim 
Clayton Audio Class A
     I've got one of those class A Accuphase amps.       Had to install 2 bridged coal furnaces in the basement to generate enough electricity to run it then 2 more bridged out by the pool to run the ac to cool down my room.     I can't tell when ... 
My system sounds better than ever.......Yet, I STILL bought another preamp!!
artemus_5,          Steakster's MJ quote sums it up very well:    "I can accept failure, everyone fails at something. But I can’t accept not trying." Michael Jordan     I'd just add that, when you're trying to find what you like, finding out what ... 
Why the fascination with subwoofers?
pwhinson:" I have to admit that with my Magnepan 20.7's I have toyed with the idea of adding a subwoofer but in the case of the 20.7's in my room they measure flat down to about 28hz and only then start to roll off.  So I would not want to crosso... 
Why the fascination with subwoofers?
rauliruegas, I don’t understand why you’ve been going after atmasphere/Ralph, either. Yes, his primary business is designing and selling high quality tube gear but it’s a mistake to assume his audio knowledge and experience is limited because of t...