

Responses from noble100

Acoustic treatment
dtximages:"Or just buy more subs. I don’t see anything magical about the AK Swarm. What I gathered is that 4 subs, semi-carefully placed will essentially do a better job of EQ-ing itself than room correction software"Hello dxtimages,     You're co... 
Why the fascination with subwoofers?
steakster,     Subs in corners, since they couple to two walls, typically results in a 3 db+ bass boost.   It sounds like you're making the right moves, keeping your subs way from the corners and controlling the effects of a suspended floor, to ke... 
Acoustic treatment
zardozmike,     Simple, just buy and install the AK Swarm and forget about bass traps, room correction software/hardware, Helmholtz resonators, mijostyn and Mr. Rocket Science forever.Tim 
My experience adding subwoofers to 2 channel
avanti1960,     You may want to try the 'room crawl method'.  Place your sub at your listening position, play some music with good and repetitive bass and walk around the perimeter of your room counter-clockwise starting at the front right corner.... 
My experience adding subwoofers to 2 channel
zarathu,         I wasn't implying speaker and sub line array configurations don't work well, I know they do.  I was just stating these arrays are best for a dedicated room or stage, using them in a living room requires serious rearrangement of th... 
Oppo 103 comparison with an Ayre Codex
"I did hear an Oppo 205 and it was slightly sonically superior to my Oppo 103, which makes sense.  I have no clue why Oppo discontinued their sales of the Oppo CDP’s."Hello whitesix,     I think Oppo getting out of the Blu-ray player market was ma... 
Acoustic treatment
+1 millercarbon     Bass tube traps, imho, are big, expensive, ugly as sin and are completely unnecessary if you invest in this instead:https://www.theabsolutesound.com/articles/audiokinesis-swarm-subwoofer-system/     This distributed bass array ... 
At what point is an external D/A converter warranted or beneficial
Greetings celander, On my planet, we refer to the humans as "Planet Poopers" but we’re still taught from when we’re newts to treat all the poop for brains species in the universe with respect and civility.Tim  
My experience adding subwoofers to 2 channel
Hello mijostyn,    Thanks for the clarifications on your system. I know 'ESL' is usually an acronym for electrostatic loudspeaker but mistakenly thought the Acoustat 2 + 2 were planar-magnetic speakers. I now understand they're ESLs with the '2... 
My experience adding subwoofers to 2 channel
Hello mijostyn,     Very unusual and interesting.  I think I understand your setup but I'd love to see a picture.  Or you could fill out the system section on your profile and upload pictures for future reference.     The way I understand it, you'... 
My experience adding subwoofers to 2 channel
mijostyn:"Tim, I think you need to drop your Adderall dose:) Sub woofers are not more prevalent in high end audio because they add expense, they take up space and women do not like the looks. Not to mention that there are still many audiophiles wh... 
My experience adding subwoofers to 2 channel
bdp24:"@noble100, I agree, you didn't state that you can't use four Rythmik subs in a swarm type system. Ya know what I didn't say? That you DID say that. Why do you think I think you think you did?"     Hello bdp24,     Okay, you may not have sai... 
My experience adding subwoofers to 2 channel
m-db:"Tim, actually I'm more impressed than thrilled by the economy and positive user comments regarding your DBA Swarm system. You have created a user friendly solution to an often ill informed segment interested in true full range listening. "He... 
My experience adding subwoofers to 2 channel
jtcf:"Unpacked the second set of subs this morning and fired em up.I haven’t fussed with finding perfect placement yet but it’s sounding really good already.The room is energized in a way that I can actually feel it on my skin.Not boomy or overblo... 
My experience adding subwoofers to 2 channel
     I thought it would be useful to cut and paste a response from Duke Lejeune, owner of Audio Kinesis and advocate of the DBA system concept, from a thread I started awhile ago on the DBA concept. Here's a link to the full thread followed by Duk...