
Responses from no_regrets

Sorry, a question about the Sony SCDXA5400ES.
Does the Sony SCDXA5400ES have a variable output with volume control so that you could go directly into a power amp and bypass a preamp altogether?I see that it has a volume control for the headphone jack, but do not know if it controls a variable... 
Soundsmith's turnaround time?
Thank you Dan_ed for your assistance. It is greatly appreciated!No Regrets 
Soundsmith's turnaround time?
Thank you Raul, Undertow, Dgarretson, and Dan_ed for all of your very thoughtful replies. You all have given me much to think about.Does anyone happen to have either Soundsmith's phone number and/or email address that you could share with me. I ju... 
Soundsmith's turnaround time?
Hello Raul,Thank you for your reply.Yes, I do like how the Benz MO.9 sounded when it was new very much. However, I notice that the newer wood bodied Benz's have switched to the line contact stylus instead of the eliptical stylus. I'm sure that thi... 
Soundsmith's turnaround time?
I've got an older wood bodied Benz called the MO.9 It has a boron cantiliever and a nude elliptical stylus. I'd like to send it to Soundsmith to be refurbished but not sure of which service to use.Do you think I should stay with the elliptical or ... 
Are Harbeth S HL5's As Good As Reviewers Claim?
I appreciate that there are many that love the Harbeth sound? I myself have never been blessed with the opportunity to hear them. I'm wondering if any of you have compared the Harbeth sound with that of say Tannoy dual concentric speakers, especia... 
Reference 3a decapo vs. J M Reynard Duets/Bliss
Thank you to both Phil and Drubin for the excellent and detailed responses. This has been very helpful to me. 
New LP12, I like some things and some I don't.
Sorry to say, but I have never been a fan of the cirkus bearing. To me, it always made it sound more "digital" and lost the magic of the LP12. Removing the trampoline is a step in the right direction in my opinion. 
"Warmer" Speaker - $600-1000 Range
Hello Dmloring,I do not have experience with the Wharfedale Evo, but I do have experience with the Wharfedale W25's. They are a sealed two-way with an 8 inch woofer. Beautiful sounding with classic jazz and vocals as well as classical music...viol... 
Classical music speaker recs for small room?
12-20-09: Kr4I never trust anyone who says "Trust me." FWIW.KalThat's fine....but not much of a suggestion to help the original posters question. I on the other hand have been a musician the last thirty five years playing the tenor and bass trombo... 
Classical music speaker recs for small room?
Do yourself the biggest favor you have ever did. Find a pair of vintage Wharfedales model W25, W35, W40, or W60's and you will never look back! Very easy to drive and sound excellent with tube gear. Great for classical, jazz and vocals. You will f... 
Woofer motion problem.
I have also heard of people having this problem when their table/platter is not perfectly level. Upon leveling their problem went away without resorting to the use of a filter. 
Unipivot and suspended TT?
I have used my Naim ARO unipivot on my Linn LP12 very successfully for over a dozen years. It does require that both the arm and table is correctly set up, but the rewards that it brings are spectacular.Seeing as how you already have the Hadcock, ... 
Miss my Dunlavy Speakers, Were to go...
I have had my Dunlavy SCIV's for a dozen years and have heard many high end speakers during that time span. None has ever tempted me into replacing the Dunlavy's from my reference system. The Dunlavy's have always sounded the closest to live music... 
Phono PreAmp with less than a 12" x 15" footprint
Artemis Labs Ph-1 is an awesome all tube phono stage giving you about 53db of gain or the Pl-1 which is the same but gives you step up transformers for low output moving coil cartridges. Great harmonics, dynamics, detail and a very well built with...