
Responses from nitewulf

Q for any Luxman L-509X owners
Ok thanks guys. I have Legacy Signature SEs and the Luxman is on my short list for a SS integrated to purchase. 
Q for any Luxman L-509X owners
slightly off topic, what speakers do you guys use with it, and how does the amp sound? 
beginner seperate system
Primaluna tube integrated amps are within your budget. Some one also mentioned a Bob Carver tube amp here 275 Crimson which is 75 watts per channel and going for $2500, that would drive those Focals very well. But you'd also need to pair it with a... 
Compact DAC + Amp
I had tower speakers and a Dehavilland pre with a Macintosh 250 wpc solid state in a tiny studio at Fort Greene.But I am a bit nuts.I'd suggest at least getting a good integrated amp (with an internal dac) and putting it on the floor under the TV.... 
Follow-up to my question some weeks ago about an amp for Dynaudio Contour 20s
I believe I recall that thread, system synergy is a real thing.  Dyns need proper current capability and a lot of the modern SS amps actually do not provide that, I learned the hard way pairing Dyns and a Peachtree Decco (50 wpc) which sounded ver... 
Full range tower speakers with bass under $10k
Legacy Audio Signature SE, usable bass down to 22Hz. 
New favorite VINYL Album?
Recent re-issue of Talking Timbuktu by Ali Farka Toure and Ry Cooder.Anything by Nicolaas Jaar. 
Replacement for DeHavilland Ultraverve
Yes, you should definitely try Ayre. Their devices are amazing. 
Tube info
But none of the European brands are cheap... 
Replacement for DeHavilland Ultraverve
Checking the manual, nope it doesn't have mono or phase reversal, assuming you are talking about a button that will bridge the outputs? 
Tube info
Japanese NOS like NEC are very good.....basically no noise that i can discern, and cheap.  Of course NOS RCA 5814A as well. 
Replacement for DeHavilland Ultraverve
Cool it worked out. I loved my dehaviland and replaced that with an Ayre K5xeMP which was better. They are both amazing preamps however. 
Filter capacitor issue
@skymunky57, try the audiokarma forum.....there are very technical people there.  Not saying there aren't here, but I've noticed a lot of experienced people helping each other out at AK. 
I want to pick up a vintage SS integrated
Sounds like great times. Thankfully weed is becoming legal everywhere so I can enjoy great times as well ;)....lentil soup certainly sounds healthier than Doritos and salsa.... 
I want to pick up a vintage SS integrated
Fair enough, my comment wasn't geared toward all modern amps, just the ridiculously pricey ones: $60,000 - $150,000 K...I mean, why?I can get a PS Audio Sprout or a used Peachtree/Emotiva/Wyred4Sound for sure, but these old amps seem to have good ...