
Responses from nightfall

Found Perfect Amp For My Needs, But Is It Too Old?
Thanks for your thought Jmgrogan2. I've read your previous posts on these amplifiers, and we are in complete agreement about the Model 6's. My concern is whether I will find anyone offering them for sale within the next six, nine, or more months. ... 
Found Perfect Amp For My Needs, But Is It Too Old?
Thanks to all for your responses. I am afraid that I may indeed be in the same place that Elizabeth is, in terms of" Yeah we have stuff we wish for and want.. but sometimes reality intervenes" but I somehow hope there might still be a chance for m... 
Cable help for my AtmaSphere S-30 OTL Amp - Please
Ralph at Atma-Sphere personally recommends the Mogami Gold balanced cables for his amplifiers which will cost you very little. I got mine from Guitar Center. There is no reason to spend more.I also own an S-30 and listen to the advice above about ... 
"Best" bookshelf/monitor for low-power amp?
02-13-12: GoldprintaudioI would suggest adding Joseph Audio Pulsars to your list also. They are easily some of the best bookshelves I've ever heard and fall into your specs perfectly. And yes, I am a Joseph dealer.Goldprintaudio,I have had the opp... 
My Final Amplifier Purchase - What Would You Buy?
I'm definitely not intending to go backwards, in terms of sound quality, from my present Atma-Sphere with this purchase. I certainly would be happy spending much less than my $4k limit, but it would have to be for an amplifier that did not represe... 
My Final Amplifier Purchase - What Would You Buy?
Charlie, thanks for your thoughts. I did communicate, via e-mail, with Alan previously, and his advice was that he voices the Silverlines with Pass amplification. As I noted earlier, I am a big fan of Nelson, and would be happy to go in that direc... 
My Final Amplifier Purchase - What Would You Buy?
"Hello Nightfall, I don't think I recommended a particular speaker, but if I did I would expect that Audiokinesis would have been on the short list. Duke is an outstanding designer and also easy to deal with."Ralph, I've had dealing with Duke prev... 
My Final Amplifier Purchase - What Would You Buy?
02-10-12: DoverNightfall,The speaker Ralph mentioned was the High Emotion Audio Bella Twin speakers.Ralph, I believe you said that the S-30 would produce 45wpc with these? 
My Final Amplifier Purchase - What Would You Buy?
02-10-12: DoverNightfall,"The speaker Ralph mentioned was the High Emotion Audio Bella Twin speakers"Thank you! That was it, I knew I wasn't dreaming it happened. 
My Final Amplifier Purchase - What Would You Buy?
New Rogue AmpGoldprintaudio,I did see those amps were shown at CES and was interested in hearing what they were capable of. I greatly respect Rogue, as an American manufacturer, and especially the value they offer. I've found the character of the ... 
My Final Amplifier Purchase - What Would You Buy?
Missing posts??? Ralph recommended some higher sensitivity speakers to me in a post he made in this thread on Tuesday, which I read that night. Last night, the Audiogon forums were unavailable when I checked back. Now, both that post, and at least... 
My Final Amplifier Purchase - What Would You Buy?
Again, thanks to everyone for the continuing comments and recommendations. I appreciate all of the advice and perspectives being offered. Several people have mentioned the possibility of changing speakers and thats a fair question. I do really lov... 
My Final Amplifier Purchase - What Would You Buy?
John,I greatly appreciate your thoughts on the matter. I've come very close to jumping on the Pass bandwagon, because I greatly admire what Nelson has done. I've especially targeted the 30.5's because they have tested out at 140wpc A/B. However, I... 
My Final Amplifier Purchase - What Would You Buy?
Tony,Thanks very much for your thoughts. I've done some research and it does not seem likely that any Spectral amps could be had within my budget. I have heard they are tremendous, though, but the requirements for very expensive MIT cables, by its... 
My Final Amplifier Purchase - What Would You Buy?
Oops, I forget to mention a Plinius SA-102 as an obvious contender.