
Responses from nickt

How is your power bill?
My bill went up from $80 to $180 when I bought a pair of Krell Evo 600. Now I turn them off after listening instead putting them on stand by to save money. 
Blue Ray Quality with a 1080i / 720p HDTV?
Why dont you buy a player from your local Costco and try it out for yourself and see if you like or not. I am sure you will keep it. I have a Pioneer Elite 1080i and it looks great w/ Blue Ray movies. 
Review: Verus Motor Upgrade for Teres
I have the Teres 340 and love the Verus motor. I would never listen again w/o it. Music just sounds more like live music with the Verus. 
Teres Composite Platter, etc.
I have the Teres 340 w/ wooden platter. Going to the Verus motor was a huge improvement. I would not be able to listen w/o the Verus Motor anymore. 
Old Krell vs new Krell amps...
I've upgraded to a pair of Krell Evo 600 from a Krell 700cx, and I love the new Evo series. The Evo series is more of everything: transparency, imaging, dynamic but the thing I've noticed the most was that the Evo series is very smooth which makes... 
Steelhead as a preamp?
We tried to eliminate the preamp and use the Steelhead alone as a preamp. However, the Steelhead alone sounded soft and not very dynamic so we now use the Steelhead as a phono stage only. 
Wilson Sophia2s demand better than AYRE V5xe, so..
If you want more control and more bass, then you should consider a Krell Evo 402, around $8K used. 
cary cad211m hum noise
You should contact Cary and ask for their help. 
Talon Firbird built 2005 banana or spade
I think the Firebirds are very nicely made speakers but the xovers were terrible. So I had new xovers made, costed me like $4-5K. The parts alone was like $3K. It was done by a professional speaker maker off course. Then they were amazing. My loca... 
Talon Firbird built 2005 banana or spade
You only can use spades on them. I had a pr so I know. 
which preamp match best with Krell Evo 402 ?
I am waiting for my Krell Evo 600 to arrive anyday now! Right now I have a Krell 700cx with a tube preamp: Einstein. I also have the Krell 505 SACD. I think you could go all Krell to utilize their cast input, supposed to be best, so that would be ... 
fathom f113 vs. 2 velo. dd-10 s
Even two DD12 wont sound as good as one F113. I had them all. Go for the F113.Nick 
Audio Research pre & Krell amps?
Hi Tom,I have a Krell 700cx and my friend brought over an AR Ref. 3. There were no issues at all. You probably worry about DC leakage but in my case it worked perfectly. BTW, the preamp was also very very good.Nick 
Best sounding Krell ?
400cx is around your price range. 
Avalon Eidolon Diamond-Worth it?
Thanks Tom. I was hoping to get a pair of Isis one day but they never show up used on Audiogon. : ( I could never afford the Isis new from a dealer. I have not heard the Diamond anywhere period but they are within my reach new from a dealer. What ...