
Responses from newfzx7

Subwoofer and preamp output impedance
I think you would be better off using the high level inputs (instead of RCA) on the subs if they have them. Run speaker wire off the binding posts of the amp or the speakers themselves which would be more tidy and likely a shorter run to the subs.   
Muzishare X7 - Pop in Right Speaker when turned off?
I have the same amp and the same issue. From what I could find online it is normal for it to occur in ultralinear mode, the explanation was it is a capacitor discharging. I usually use triode mode but when I don't I just switch it back before tur... 
Young audiophile metal head looking to level up speaker choice
@immatthewj, I'm using a pair of Tekton Pendragon, that I recommended for the OP earlier in this thread. They are 8 ohm with 98db sensitivity. I'd say they would be fine with 2 watts, let alone the 6 watts that my amp puts out.  
What is meant exactly by the description 'more musical'?
No worries! In the end it's all about enjoying the hobby and the music itself. We all will have different ways to get that. Cheers, Greg  
What is meant exactly by the description 'more musical'?
@immatthewj I have two tube amps, a Reisong A10 SET that puts out 6 watts a side and a Muzishare X7 push/pull which does 35 or 45 a side depending on the mode. Both will play to uncomfortable levels with efficient speakers if desired. What is an ... 
What is meant exactly by the description 'more musical'?
immatthewj said  "@atmasphere , so you are saying that the thrash-metal guys would dig 14 wpc of SET with some high efficiency speakers? I think you are wrong. That crowd wants to rattle windows, shake the walls and piss off the neighbors. And th... 
Young audiophile metal head looking to level up speaker choice
Fellow metal head here, +1 on Tekton.  My room is just a little larger at 12x17. I had a pair Zu Omen DWs but once I heard a pair of Tekton Pendragon in  my room I got rid of the Zu's. The Pendragon have a huge sound stage, they won't overload you... 
Recommend a non-polite sounding amp / integrated
Maybe something by Naim?    
REL owners, how many clicks on your gain and crossover
In the manual they start with the crossover and gain at their lowest settings. I have mine placed next to and slightly behind the front of the speaker. Dial in each sub by themselves as in the manual( I just disconnect the speakon terminal from o... 
REL owners, how many clicks on your gain and crossover
You’re better off following what is suggested in the manual, it works very well, everyone’s set up will be a different than yours.  
Table,cartridge,phono...where to put most of my money?
While reading up on your speakers and amp, the words "understated", "smooth", and "balanced" show up. Maybe what you need to is make sure more of the same is not coming from your vinyl set up. You don't mention what cartridge and phono stage you c... 
FYI There is no "Upgraded" or "V2" Willsenton R8
It seems Willsenton and dealers do not want to admit there were improvements made. This lady has made a lot of changes to the Mark I R8, just search her videos. She’s the reason I went with a Muzishare X7 over the R8, because if I ordered the R8... 
Wilson to Tekton to ????
I had the same experience, I added a pair of REL T5x subs to my system and everything improved. When you get an excellent sub integrated properly everything snaps into place and you get one of those "Wow!" moments. I bought the subs to use with a ... 
Rel t9x or Rythmik F12G
+1 for a pair of REL T5x. I have a pair for my little AR M1 speakers, but I also use them when I’m using a set of Tekton Pendragon in my 12 x 18 room. Easier to set up to blend with the mains when you use two subs. If you listen to a lot organ m... 
If you were serious about sound you would...
Spending $170k on equipment is not worth it, if the listening room is not treated also.