Responses from neversatisfied
Im going to regret my cable question And how do I go about PMing John Rutan Never mind. I found him. Cheers! | |
Im going to regret my cable question Proper as in no electric organs, xylophone, etc. Think Miles Davis, Shorter, etc. | |
Im going to regret my cable question Yes. I was aware I was going to reopen that can of snake oil…I mean worms! | |
Im going to regret my cable question Thank you waytoomuchstuff! That is a bit of music to my ears, if you will. I think I am leaning towards AQ as they are very available to me locally and I can get them at a nice discount. I’m just trying to decide on the 33’s or 44’s. For the sma... | |
Im going to regret my cable question jond, your comment “guessing you want to warm up your sound…” Im curious why you might mention that. I do find the Monitor Audio’s to be a touch forward, bright. Maybe that’s what I’m trying to alter. | |
Im going to regret my cable question Does anyone have experience with the AQ Rockets. The reason I’m looking at these is because I can get a good deal on 33’s or 44’s. | |
Im going to regret my cable question I’m looking for any improvement that upgrading from an older AQ Type 4 to a Rocket 33 or 44 should give me. I have no specific improvement in mind but if we accept that “better” cables make a difference then that’s the improvement I’m looking for.... | |
Im going to regret my cable question The rest of the system is an upgraded Rega RP3, Graham Slee phono stage, Eversolo DMP-A6, NAD C-568 CD, AQ interconnects all around. Music? Proper jazz (horn, drums, bass, keys) rock, classical. | |
Certain frequencies hurt Very interesting. I suffer from the exact same thing. I find that I get pain in my left ear from my speakers as well, but very little if not at all from my headphones. It’s all new kit, Monitor Audio Gold 3005G, Michi X3, Series 2, Focal Clear MG... | |
Arcam SA30 issue with input Cheers to that | |
Arcam SA30 issue with input So I did the factory reset and at first I saw no change. Those missing items were still missing. But then I thought what if I use the menu button on the front of the amp instead of always trying with my remote. Sure enough, there they were. I then... | |
Arcam SA30 issue with input Yes, it’s all up to date. | |
Arcam SA30 issue with input Net Standby Enables or disables the network control of the SA30 while the unit is in standby. The default setting is OFF Note: The unit can still be controlled via RS232 commands, even when network standby is disabled. RS232 Standby Enables or... | |
Arcam SA30 issue with input Actually none of these are in my amp. Could I have deleted them somehow? Maybe I should do a factory reset of the whole amp. See below….. | |
Arcam SA30 issue with input But it IS in my manual, it’s just not in my machine. So not my much point going online. Arcam suggested I try another digital input so I was using the “game” input for a while ( damn I wish we could rename these). It seemed fine. I went back to t... |