Responses from neonknight
A Discussion About What Level Of Analog To Stop At @lewm Yes I run the MC2000/T2000 into the MM input of the Esoteric E-03. This morning I decided to reinstall one of my Ortofon MC2000 cartridges. One has a factory tapered aluminum cantilever, and my other one met an unfortunate accident and had... | |
Have There Ever Been Fake Koetsu? So a quality 3rd party service provider like Expert Stylus is unable to retain the sole plate? | |
Have There Ever Been Fake Koetsu? @mulveling Would you have a link to a closeup image of a Koetsu diamond mounting? | |
A Story about a Defective Signature Platinum Always Wondered how 2Juki can sell a Rosewood Signature Platinum for $3900 or a Blue Lace Platinum for $5880. With a 90 day warranty from the US distributor and a price 3X higher than a verified eBay seller I fail to see any incentive to buy from ... | |
Bought A Vintage Kiseki This Weekend So I aligned the cartridge this afternoon. Getting a good sight on the grid with these Japanese style long bodies are tedious. Have played a few albums and it has met those quiet expectations you have when you buy a cartridge. Is a Kiseki all fai... | |
Bought A Vintage Kiseki This Weekend @lewm Never heard of cloning? Test tube cartridges? Artificial insemination? You know where they got to stroke that cartridges John Thomas to get the stuff Surrogate mother's? | |
Effects Of Power Cords On Electrostatic Speakers As an update. The stock ML cords have been installed on my subwoofers. So I let the system play all night on a playlist. I sat down for a bit before heading out to work. I was able to swap cables between subs and the ML. Small differences between ... | |
Effects Of Power Cords On Electrostatic Speakers @mrskeptic But what happens if do not expect to hear a change? Do we then have unexpectation bias? If so what does that prove? Yes but we have expectations. I expect to receive a paycheck every two weeks. When I get it does that mean it is a... | |
Effects Of Power Cords On Electrostatic Speakers @jhnnrrs So you know the "truth". How comforting. And what makes you think I own a lava lamp? As a truth teller you should get the facts correct and not lean on conjecture. | |
Effects Of Power Cords On Electrostatic Speakers Yes. To the best of my knowledge. | |
Effects Of Power Cords On Electrostatic Speakers To be safe I should try the Belden again and see what happens. No reason to spend money if I don't have to. | |
Bought A Set of Martin Logan CLX ART Its Going To Be An Adventure Images | |
Bought A Set of Martin Logan CLX ART Its Going To Be An Adventure @roxy54 @soix I use a pair of Velodyne HGS 12 subwoofers with them that have the amps refreshed. They are crossed in at 57 Hz. The amplifiers for them are a pair of Classe Audio Omega monoblocks, and pre amp is a Trinnov Audio Amethyst which u... | |
Bought A Set of Martin Logan CLX ART Its Going To Be An Adventure @tablejockey Wish I could make that distance but it would close off the pathway to our dining room from the living room. As accommodating as the wife is, that would trigger those have got to go limit. | |
Martin Logan CLX ART Paid for the speakers today. Getting shipped out beginning of next week. Another chapter in the audio system and the realization of a dream of owning electrostatic that first began when I was in my early twenties. |