
Responses from ncarv

First SACD to Listen To?
I suggest Jorma Kaukonen's "Blue Country Heart," with stellar back-up including Sam Bush and Jerry Douglas, and even Bela Fleck on a couple of tracks. I'm sure you will receive many other worthy suggestions. If you know Jorma and Hot Tuna, you wil... 
From Wilson Watt Puppy 5.1 to ?
RW - great suggestion! I have found acoustic room treatment to offer some of the best bang for the buck in improving the sound of my system. 
From Wilson Watt Puppy 5.1 to ?
If you LOVE your speakers, why are you thinking of changing them? Be happy! 
MTV-VMA'S-Does anyone sing live anymore?
It's the way things always have been. If you go back to popular music shows in the 50's & 60's, almost all performances were lip-synched -- American Bandstand, Hullaballo, Shindig, Soul Train (boy, am I dating myself!). I guess some of the per... 
Power conditioning v re-generation; Shunyata v. PS
Wouldn't the effect of any power conditioner, including these, depend upon the mix of components in your system? 
How can we settle for digital?
We can't! And we won't! Yeah! 
In famous Interviews of Musicians
Gene Simmons interviewed by Terry Gross on NPR's Fresh Air.Here's the audio download:'s the transcript: of the MOST outrageous ever! 
Proceed AVP?
db, I had the Sony DVP-9000ES as my source with the Proceed AVP and I agree, it was bizarre, but that was the case. I never heard of the problem with the PAV/PDSD combo. I'm just reporting the facts.It's true, there are many orphaned products that... 
Proceed AVP?
I don't know about that, but I tried an AVP and didn't like it because it apparently takes time to read the disc format and when I played CD's, I'd lose the first couple of notes on the CD until the AVP figured out it was a CD.Also, it's an orphan... 
Considering a dedicated transport, need help
If you're patient, you can get a CEC TL-1X used on audiogon for $2,000 or less. 
$1500 amp budget for Revels HT setup
If you can find one, an Anthem MCA-3 or, preferably, MCA-30 would be a significant improvement in both power and sonics. With 6 ohm speakers, you'll probably get about 225 wpc with the MCA-30.The MCA-30, used, less than $1000. New, it was $1800.Si... 
Dealing w reflective surface between loud speakers
As I have previously reported, I purchased a light-weight reversible black/white comforter from Bed, Bath, & Beyond for about $35. I imagine you could buy the audiophile version online for less than $500.I place it over my massive 65" CRT RPTV... 
squeezbox Duet distortion
Try running it straight into the DAC without the Monarchy. 
inserting new component--predictable results?
Always a crap shoot. Buyin', tryin', & cryin'. 
Food: What does the typical audiophile eat?
Nuts, bolts, & screws.