

Responses from nandric

Anyone familiar with Ikeda 9 series (cantileverless kind) MC cartridges?
Dear Dover, My Gosh, after the most eloquent member in our forumI get post from the ''best informed member in our forurm''. I thinkI should ask my English teacher Lew what ''hoop'' means. My''forum brother'' Don owns Decca and try the ''explanatio... 
Anyone familiar with Ikeda 9 series (cantileverless kind) MC cartridges?
Each MC cart has the so called ''tension wire'' which connect''moving parts'' with the generator. The wire is fastened tothe ''joint pipe'' (aluminum tube) in which front side cantileveris glued and back side on wich coil is fastened. The tensionw... 
Anyone familiar with Ikeda 9 series (cantileverless kind) MC cartridges?
Hi Lew, I consider your welcome as an compliment from the mosteloquent member in our forum. 
Anyone familiar with Ikeda 9 series (cantileverless kind) MC cartridges?
Thanks my Slavic brother but I would prefer even Russiantranslation (grin).  
Anyone familiar with Ikeda 9 series (cantileverless kind) MC cartridges?
As a young boy I was most impressed by the writer Erich MariaRemarque. He wrote about soldiers and their willingeness todie for each other. I agreed in principe. The book in questionwas ''Im Westen nichts neues'' (Nothing new in the West).I will b... 
How much difference does a phono preamp really make?
The right question should be about carts ouput. Not so much relevenant for MM kinds but well for MC kinds. By thosethere are: low output , mid output and high output kinds.In order to reduce the moving mass the real possibilityis to reduce winding... 
mijostyn , what you call ''asumptions'' is the same as ''assertions''.We all think in the same way: we start with some assertion aspremise which we think is true and deduce from this assertionour conclusions. But first logical rule is: ''if the as... 
Diamond Stylus Enters the 4th Dimension
Some time ago J. Carr explained difference bewteen cantilevermaterials. The (only?) advantage of aluminum cantilevers isthat stylus can be pressure fitted in. In ''all exotic kinds'' the stylus must be glued in. By those one must avoid fluid clean... 
Éssential- versus conditional approach. The first mentioned is basedon Aristoteles who discriminted between ''essential'' and ''accidental''properties of objects. It is similar to induction by which one ''deduce''from one quality to all others. Th... 
Anyone try the replica B-60 Fidelity Research VTA?
mulveling, I was not able to find expression ''gnarly'' in my Englishdictionary but assume that you mean ''worn out srews''. Those whichfunction is to fasten the arm on the collar can be bought as separates.  Also with the right Allen key. The ori... 
A pragmatic view of cartridge expenses / many questions
The ''loose reference''. I was nearly lynched when I asked thequestion: ''are you sure that retips by Ledermann are doneby Ledermann''? I think that I am even more entitled to askthe uquestion : ''are you sure that Van den Hul is Van den Hul"?To m... 
A pragmatic view of cartridge expenses / many questions
If the assertion (premise) is not true than deduced statementsfrom the assertion can't be true also. In +40 years in this hobbyand more than 60 cartridges I never wear out any of them.Is there such thing as ''imagined wear''?  
Cartridge Opinions - Sorry
Dear chakster, your skeptical attitude against retips is curious.First thing is the fact that no manufacturer use their own cantileversand styli. Those are produced by big Japanese jewel companies. The same apply for repair services. That is to sa... 
Cartridge Opinions - Sorry
Dear Raul, My point is that questions about ''all carts'' make nosense. This in contradistinction with particular cartridges. Youown the most carts among us while your capability is to judgetheir quality. We all profited from your contributions ab... 
Cartridge Opinions - Sorry
There is no sense in question about ''all carts''. The most membershave experience with limited number of carts. Except Raul, J. Carrand perhaps ''the well infomed memer from (Dutch) New Zeeland''.Problem with Raul is that he get seduced in disput...