

Responses from nandric

Asr basis exclusive or naim superline+hicap2
Dear Stanwal, I own 4 of those : 2x transformers for theEmitter II and two battery packs ; one for the Basis,theother for the 'pre' in the Emitter. All togheter I call'the German artillery'. In legal terms: real estate. 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Dear Frogman, The 'retip' is a misnomer for putting the cantilever with the stylus in the tube on which the coils,etc are fastened. This method is much easier then toglue the stylus on (pre) existing cantilever. I don't thinkthat repear services g... 
Asr basis exclusive or naim superline+hicap2
Avoid the Basis from 2005 (HP review in TAS) and 2008/9which is without the MM input. I owned both. The best placeto buy any ASR second hand is Germany (www.audio-markt.de). For transport remove the batteries. One can get those everywhere via inte... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Banquo, All man are equal but Dlaloum and Nandric are not.Nandric uses only short cantilevers . 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Dear 'real' David, I wronly 'attributed' the info about micro ridge styli to you instead to Dover. Excuses to both.Well your 'thought' may explain the peculiar succes of the Miyabi carts because Takeda used short aluminum cantilever to get more dy... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
I am, alas, not always capable to understand what our Professor is talking about. Not something special because this happened to me with nearly all of my Professors. ButI'got' his lesson about the colour of the styli. Never thought that those have... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Dear Fleib, I mentioned first that the cart producers don't produce their own cantilevers as well that they depend for those from their suppliers. This is not a 'big buseness' and Gyger jr. is trying to sell this part of his company for some time ... 
Rabco SL-8E Tone Arm
If I remember correctly in 'the early 80s ' this combo was already available in the second hand market. That is why I could afford the 'treasure'. For about 3 months I was more interested in playing with the Rabco than playing the music. But, as i... 
Is tonearm bias a compromise, maybe a myth?
Dear Lew, this has nothing to do with 'skating' but probable well with 'bias'. Groucho invented the 'principle of the variable principles' which become the principle of the American foreign policy. Groucho:" if you don't like my principles I have ... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Dear Fleib, The cart designers don't produce any cantilevers . They can order only what their supplier have to offer. J. Carr gets his from Ogura with the stylus already fitted. Fremer was suprised in his review of the Atlas that the stylus was gl... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Dear Fleib, I am sorry I thought that you consider or value aluminum cantilevers as less than the 'exotic' kinds. We already have had discussion about cantilevers with Carr's participation. From him I learned that only aluminum can be pressure fit... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Dear Fleib, the parts and wholes are distinquished depending on the kind of the parts. If the parts are similar or equal we than speak about aggregate if they aredifferent about 'coalition' or composition. Well a cart isobviously an composition wh... 
the perfect tonearm
The 'deceptive' part is the IS in the sentence form 'x is P'(aka the subject -predicate).But we want a tonearm which satisfy many conditions and this assume a list of properties not just one. Besides 'the best' imply comparison between how many to... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Bigerik, Not sure what you want to 'clarify' but my Genesisis the same. I own the original box as well as the manual.On the box there are folowing markings: Genesis 1000; alphaseries; Monster Cable. In the Instruction manual there isalso the year ... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Speaking about Nakatsuka. I assume he also designed the Genesis 1000(?). I listened to my Genesis 1000 which was retipped by Axel with a pressure fitted Shibata in the tapered aluminum cantilever for two days. I listened only to guitar music; Span...