
Responses from mwoh419

The Truth About Power Cords and there "Real" Price to Performance
@dynaquest4 "I have an OPPO-105 and I use the stork cord. I have never, not even once, thought it put out audio that was unlistenable."Hook a 15 amp Shunyata Venom to it and wait a couple days.Not saying the Venom is a bad cord... just that the O... 
The Truth About Power Cords and there "Real" Price to Performance
Disclaimer:. Not affiliated with... or compensated by manufacturer... but the following gives a basic explanation how cables can affect sound.FWIW... as another example, (on a smaller sc... 
The Truth About Power Cords and there "Real" Price to Performance
@tweak1 "I probably have several thousand dollars of cables in the closet, most have little to no resale value."Your closet has my curiosity piqued.   :) 
The Truth About Power Cords and there "Real" Price to Performance
Standard MC on ebay for $325. 
The Truth About Power Cords and there "Real" Price to Performance
Here's a used "Reference"  MC for $375. sure what the difference is between it and the standard MC. 
The Truth About Power Cords and there "Real" Price to Performance
LOL... umm... I would like to request a section for:Best Price To Performance Power Cords for Systems that range 10K- and under ??? 
The Truth About Power Cords and there "Real" Price to Performance
" Well, since the first 25 - 100' or more of cable in your house is most like 12 or 14 gauge solid core romex, shouldn't we just keep it all the same and use more of that? "There's an old audiophile saying...  " don't think of the power cable as t... 
The Truth About Power Cords and there "Real" Price to Performance
" So I like most of you have to scratch my head and ask where do I begin what brand and product and what should i really pay for it? "Sometimes you have to look at the measurements and composition of the cords/cables.  Typically, (IME), cables wit... 
The Truth About Power Cords and there "Real" Price to Performance
I'll also add that sometimes too much of a good thing... can be a bad thing.After initially liking what I was hearing with my Shunyata investments... I kept going.After losing most of my midrange, and the treble becoming pinched and thin... the ma... 
The Truth About Power Cords and there "Real" Price to Performance
" that the price-performance ratio in part depends on what you are connecting the power cord to "Yup... and at both ends.  It starts at the outlet, (and any power conditioners after it, and before the equipment). 
The Truth About Power Cords and there "Real" Price to Performance
" @blumartini  please update about the friend in Hawaii and his generator.I'm really curious if that would provide clean power "OMG no!  Way too much EMI and RFI.  Very dirty power... unless you use a PS Audio power regenerator or some form of iso... 
The 5 stages of making a bad audio purchase
" >>>>Apparently you never heard of a strawman argument. 😬 Nobody ever said he wanted a system better than 99.9% of the population or valued audio over everything else. Duh! "Well considering the content and context of most of atdavid'... 
The 5 stages of making a bad audio purchase
" Buy used, buy also vintage, choose TOTL of yesterday, "To a degree, that is what I have done... with some new in the mix. 
The 5 stages of making a bad audio purchase
" Any particular component may have some particular merit in a particular system. However, the remainder of the systemmay exacerbate or ameliorate its flaws. "Very True... and it seems I have settled on an analytical pre, neutral amp... and warm-i... 
The 5 stages of making a bad audio purchase
" >>>>I don't think I've seen so many logical fallacies crammed into one post since the last time I read one of your windy screeds. The anger and frustration jumps right out at you. "Really???" When I am on my death bed, though, there ...