
Responses from muzikat

How much fluid do you use
I use a Nitty Gritty 1.5. After wiping record with a Disc Washer (about 8 drops), I put a line of fluid on each side of the velvet vacuum lips, then clean & vacuum.Just like you guys, I sold all my vinyl and turntable in 1992, about 1600 recor... 
Creek 5350SE Ubar Replacement??
Mat,I have a 5350SE. I replaced the jumpers with .5 meter Audioquest Quartz. The difference was not subtle. The amp sounds richer and fuller. I would recommend it. I believe our systems are similiar. I have a 5350SE, CD43MK2, T43, and Epos M12s.Ch... 
I don't understand Miles Davis' "Kind of Blue"
Kind Of Blue is the soul and energy of the musicians, melting together to form a record that you can really feel deep inside. If you are not familiar with Miles Davis, I highly recommend listening to some of his previous (before KOB) work to under... 
advice on integrated amp
Meadowlarks sound good with just about any high quality amp.In your price range check out the Rega Mira (new ~ $900), or Creek 5350SE (used ~ $1000). 
Quick bi-wire question
I own a Creek 5350SE. It has A+B speaker selector switch, I use 4 seperate runs of Kimber 4TC. I contacted Creek Audio and they recommend biwiring this way. I even asked which was better:A to one speaker, B to the otherorA to treble, B to bass.The... 
Integrated's equipped for biwiring??
Creek 5350SE. 
How long of a wait
24 hrs. 
Where does your user name come from?
My username is a relection of my love for this hobby. The "K" is in there because at the time I signed up with Audiogon I had a mostly Linn system. I have since moved on to other brands, but have kept a "K" in my username and password for this and... 
Audio as a hobby
I do triathlons and barefoot water ski. These have both consumed more time than audio for the past 15 or so years.The older I get the easier it is to let the time tip toward the pursuit of audio/music.However I will never give up the active hobbie... 
What is the best receiver Marantz put out?
I had a Marantz 2270 (1973-1994). A great reciever, probably the best Marantz. It was built like a tank. Sounded very clean, powerful. It had a great tuner.I sold the reciever with a pair of large Advents (1978 model year) for $200 to a friend. BT... 
Audiogoners, I love you........
Gosh Guys I think I'm getting all misty eyed. Kevziek I agree with you 100%. This site is a daily visit for me, usually 2 times a day. I really look forward to the forum to see what Audiogoners are talking about. It is the best site on the web. I ... 
Manners, Eticks & Audiogon --- What do you think???
Cloudgif,I share your frustration with unanswered inquiries. At least 4 different times I have responded to for sale ads, only to get no response. Even after 3-4 repeat inquiries. Eventually I just give up, usually the item is marked sold some day... 
Center Channel Placement Issue. Need Help
I have a Meadowlark Petral (large speaker) on top of a Sony t.v. It hangs over several inches. I have used a combination of velcro and Blu Tack between the speaker and top of the t.v. It holds very well. I also use 2 kinds of rubber doorstops betw... 
Best live album you've ever heard?
"Bob Marley Live". Not just a great album, but a moving music experience. 
Bluegrass question: Describe what the difference
Nickel Creek would definitely be third generation. How about Allison Kraus?I also love bluegrass and country (Americana) music. I am surprised at how many audiophiles don't care for this music as it is some of the best "sounding" available.Cheers