Responses from muzikat
Speakers you regret selling Linn Tukans | |
FM Reception question, please Cpdunn99,The answer to your question is that a boombox and car radio both have a "whip" style antenna. IMO a whip style antenna works very well. Better than a dipole.Cheers | |
Back to the audio future, going backwards I have an all "Brit" system including integrated and monitors, with subwoofer. CD, turntable, and tuner as well are British. All and all very enjoyable and musical. Brits listen to the "music" more than the "equipment". I have tried various Americ... | |
FM Reception question, please Go to Look at the FM Reflect. It should do what you want.Good Luck | |
what's the best "mini monior" these days ATC speakers can be found at Flat Earth Audio, they are wholesalers, The man to talk to is Chris Barry, he is a distributor, retailer. He can be found at His phone # is also on Flat Earth's | |
what's the best "mini monior" these days I second the ATC SCM7. I have tried several mini monitors over the last few years, these are keepers. They are accurate and involving. Truly amazing. | |
How did you hear about Audiogon? Someone told me about it ~3 yrs. ago when I was running an ad in the paper (forget that now) to sell some gear. I have been "Gon" ever since. | |
Looking for best sounding satellite/sub system I just set up a Totem Dreamcatcher system last night. Can't give the final answer as it is brand new, but so far so good. It looks great, High WAF. | |
Tuner vs Satellite Radio I believe a tuner would give you better sound, provided you have decnt stations to pick up. | |
speaker stands on wood floors Linn Skeets | |
Have you ever deceived your wife-audio purchase All deliveries sent to my office, all audio dealer calls to my cell phone. Honey, I swear it's the same amp we've always had. | |
Under Appreciated Jazz Piano Players How about Ray Bryant? | |
Bi-Wiring from sep. amp versus an a/v receiver Yes, assuming your Onkyo has pre-outs. | |
Monitors Mounted On Wall Second the Linn recommendation. | |
Furniture quality speaker stands? Check this |