
Responses from musicslug

First Tube Amp: Advice? Keep spare tubes on hand?
Tvad and Mapman are right: have at least one of each type of tube your amp uses available to swap out (in sequence) the amp's tubes in the case of failure. by far most problems you're likely to encounter will be tube failures. you're almost guaran... 
Coltrane's A Love Supreme and Davis's Kind of Blue
miles' - relaxin', blue moods, bags' groove dolphy - iron mancoltrane - crescent, giant steps, alternate takesthelonius monk - straight, no chaser; criss-cross; brilliant cornerswhen you want to get more adventurous:art ensemble of chicago - 'les ... 
High Rez download then burn SACD
the whole idea of using a hard-drive based system is to avoid the errors which result from a laser having to simultaneously read a disc and play the music (so you might want to consider not burning at all or using a DVD player). from the little I'... 
High Rez download then burn SACD
if I were you, I'd not focus on SACD so much. you're probably right that the future of high-end audio will be computer (hard-drive) based systems, but you'll still need a good system to play it back (including a box that can play files that are hi... 
Beyond Chutzpah
excellent entertainment. what's he smoking?the link: 
sony scd-777 dac vs PS Audio DLIII DAC
the 777 is a good-sounding player (I used to have one) - you probably would need to buy a kilobuck DAC (plus a good interconect...) to hear a significant difference. if you can't audition first, I'd say don't do it. as far as spending $650 to impr... 
Vinyl albums
one way to get a realistic idea of what a given LP is worth is to do 'closed auctions' search on ebay - this will tell you what people have actually been paying for it. 
Subs for coners or built-in sub inside speakers
I had a REL stadium in a corner and couldn't have been happier with it - no directionality at all as long as it was set at the right level... 
Can digitizing vinyl match CD?
you're leaving out a huge factor: the quality of the turntable - every improvement you make there will come through on your digitized versions. (and of course the CDP's quality is important too) I've been digitizing my frequently-played LPs using ... 
New DAC Not a Dramatic Improvement?
one thing I haven't seen mentioned yet is the trick of taking out the component being 'auditioned' after about a month and see if you miss it. 
Cassette Tapes to CDS
it's pretty simple process, provided you have a bit of computer knowledge. you will need an interface of some sort (I have a 'Mbox') and software (often comes with the interface or is already in your computer). you make a digital file by playing t... 
More convinced of analog than ever
I was also at that event but came away with a different conclusion. I'm all about LPs, but the digital playback was pretty amazing - even the non hi-rez. granted, all the gear was cost-no-object, but both the Ayre and Linn digital gear (the kind t... 
Are there any integrated amps with a built in DAC?
music hall Mambo I believe 
Tubed Pre question?
tube watts are more expensive than SS, and if you want great bass - without using a sub - you'll need lots, so budget is a major factor. if you have a large budget, get speakers that go low and a high-powered tube amp. if your budget is smaller, I... 
The LP says A1 and B3 what does this mean
probably first press of side one, third press of side two...