
Responses from musicdoc

Marantz Professional CDR-500?
Oops! Curse that "refresh" button! 
Led Zeppelin 2 First pressing
Hey Dave, I'm totally talking out of my a**, but in my limited experience U.K. first pressings of that time frame on Atlantic had the red/purple labels, and subsequent pressings had the more common green/red. First pressings are just that, first f... 
Marantz Professional CDR-500?
Dekay - my previous player was a Linn Genki. It's a pretty good player in it's own right, but the Marantz has a more relaxed, smooth, and detailed sound to my ears (via Tara Air2). Of course I went with Sedond-endorsed tube preamp at approximately... 
Marantz Professional CDR-500?
Dekay - my previous player was a Linn Genki. It's a pretty good player in it's own right, but the Marantz has a more relaxed, smooth, and detailed sound to my ears (via Tara Air2). Of course I went with Sedond-endorsed tube preamp at approximately... 
Marantz Professional CDR-500?
I've had one of these units for about 4 months or so, and can heartily endorse it. Recording is painless either CD-->CD or from an analog source. Playback from either CDRs or "redbook" CDs is surprisingly good (after about 50 hrs break-in), bes... 
TT/ cartridge recommendations $1000
I would bet it sounds pretty good - a caveat being to check out the stylus on the Glider. The VPI Jr. is a good choice, as it has the upgrade path option if you decide to pursue vinyl more seriously. I also believe that the AQ arm can be upgraded ... 
DENON DL-130,Still a good cartridge?
Do you mean the DL-103?? If so, I've got one coming in the mail any day now. I'll mount it up and letcha know. 
one whiskey,one scotch,one beer
Wasn't that originally a John Lee Hooker song? I think maybe....... 
TT/ cartridge recommendations $1000
Leafs: Your situation is indeed a rarity, and I'm happy for you that you scored a good rig on the cheap. Bigo: If you're willing to go 1.5K, then I'd advise using something like a Grado Prestige series cartridge on a 1.5K used table and arm. You c... 
TT/ cartridge recommendations $1000
At the risk of inducing a littany of negatives (don't care), I'll give my .02. To answer the question of whether or not a *good sounding* (subjective assessment) TT/arm/cartridge can be had for this system, I'd say probably not. Why would you set ... 
I'm moving--advice please
Since your current system is lacking in analog, do check out the Thomas Scheu designed turntables (and arm). These apparently have made quite a name for themselves in Europe, but have yet to make significant inroads in the U.S. From what I can tel... 
I am nuts to use these speakers?
Tubegroover speaks (er, I mean TYPES) words of wisdom. If it sounds good, go with it. Put on some Coltrane, pop open a bottle of high-end suds, and enjoy what you already know you enjoy for now. 
Scientist finds fungus that eats cd's
That's kind of a bleak view Jim - you don't sound like much of a "fun-guy" nyuk nyuk 
Dogs who love music
J_thunders, does your "chowhound" pup happen to be an AmStaff? Mine has a whole different set of priorities than does my ex-girlfriend's Lab/Rotweiler mix. He actually pays attention to things (TV, music) while she has the priorities of an insatia... 
Important Info for Meadowlark Owners
It's satisfying to see others obtain the same level of enjoyment that my Kestral H.R.s have given me for nearly 3 years! Muzikat, something is up with your Kestrals! Have 'em checked out. If they do check out, I'd go further upstream than the amp ...