
Responses from murgeshj

Scansonic mb serie
without the foam is still the bass has the booming effect, with the foam the bass is tight and focused. however the sound has matured a lot now. 
Scansonic mb serie
I figured out that there is no much changes on the SQ from past few weeks..already 300hrs on MB2.5, should I conclude the run in is done, however the foam is still intact under the bass port(without the foam the bass is bit of booming).the MB2.5 i... 
Wharfdale Denton Anniver spks. Excellent or hype?
I was interested in Denton too, had the audition with the Roksan Kandy integrate(and also with the Music angel 300B), it sounded warm, decent bass, Vocal didn't had the clarity which I looking for, the high freqency was on the softer side, however... 
The best speaker you ever heard?
PMC Fact.8..With SPec integrate and Music fidelity CDP..the combination was clean, clear, tons of details, the total presentation was smooth and it can happen only when the total system has synergy.. 
Scansonic mb serie
Jjue,Our cases are similar, difference is the electronics.the MB2.5 crossed 120hrs, and the bass considerably improved, which helped other frequencies to emerge and it is listenable now, out of box the sound was nightmare.I was even planning to re... 
With $20,000 in your hand, what speaker would you
book speaker against the wall
Audio note AX-2 
Wharfedale Diamond 8.4
I have seen the dealer is pairing with the Roksan kits. 
High value, high efficiency speakers for SET amps
I heard the Audion-Note AX-2 with 300b SET, it sounded awesome, had smooth treble, clear mid-range and bass good for the 6inch driver and SET had no problem to drive them effortlessly, however the sound stage didn't have the depth and width of PMC... 
Recommed a medium sized monitors that can go loud
I own Scansonic MB2.5, need careful positioning and still the bass is excessive. 
TUBE AMP LOVERS - What SS amp makes you smile???
Spec RSA717ex , almost there.Couldn't live with other Solid-states, always return to tube, however Spec is holding me comfortably... 
Scansonic mb serie
Hi Xti16, I knew that Xti16 and OctaDyn_Dude are same person, no wonder the praise for the Raidho have the similarities on both forums, thanks for the details.No, I read in some other forum about the burn in period, I don't remember which fourm, t... 
Scansonic mb serie
I realize the Bass has smoothen a bit, still long way to go.I am planning to get the grass wool and stuff it inside, not sure whether it is good idea?I read in some forum, MB series need upto 2000hrs to sound the best and to moderate level below 5... 
Scansonic mb serie
I realize the Bass has smoothen a bit, still long way to go.I read in some forum, MB series need upto 2000hrs to sound the best and to moderate level below 500hrs, are those numbers true? 
Scansonic mb serie
09-24-15: JjueHave you tried putting bass traps on the corners? Hi Jjue,I didn't try anything other than the keeping clothes under the bottom ports, however not blocking the air does help to tame the bass boom, though can't eliminate t...