
Responses from mrmitch

Catchy tunes that sound great?
Solsbury Hill...Peter Gabriel.--Mrmitch 
"Pictures at an Exhibition"
The Reiner can also be had on Chesky Records, I believe both LP and CD.--Mrmitch 
Food: What does the typical audiophile eat?
Just shows you the trouble you can get in if youre not an audiophile. Before I was, I got kicked out of Cub Scouts for eating too many Brownies.--Mrmitch 
I've heard the MartinLogan CLX.... WOW
Just received the February issue of Absolute Sound--it has a review of the CLX.--Mrmitch 
High End jargon; your take
Tight bass means the amount of gravitas (like that one??) I hear in the bass when I have had one too many shots of single malt. Warm bass would be what I hear when I am sweating from having one too many shots of single malt. Hi-Fi is definitely wh... 
Less noise during intense listening sessions.
I find that liberal use of sound absorbers to line my nasal passages quiets the rush of air through my nose considerably. When combined with Sounds_Real's method, you will have no further problems.--Mrmitch 
The Rite of Spring
Boulez' interpretation with the Cleveland Orchestra. A more "sensitive" approach than the others I've heard, which you would expect f rom Boulez, being as how he has c onducted so many of the Impressionist composers' music( he's really good at any... 
Speakers sound best facing wall????
Gawdbless, Yes, I seem to recall spending a little time in the corner facing the wall in my younger school days. As far as i can remember, this position made the teacher's voice (a woman) much deeper but a little bit boomy-with some basstraps it m... 
Just got an ipod, now what?
Ummmmmm, press "PLAY" and listen????--Mrmitch 
Speakers sound best facing wall????
What you want to do here is turn your listening position around to face the wall behind you, and then everything will equalise out. Inserting my own LOL here so I wont receive 100 flame replies.--Mrmitch 
Your vote: Most Useless Audio Adjective
The adjectives have pretty well been covered, but I'm very partial to phrases such as this one from reviewers: "No bass to speak of, shallow soundstage,closed-in,rolled-off in t he highs, not the last word in resolution, but you owe it to yourself... 
Food: What does the typical audiophile eat?
Juicy peach (as in the pre-amp), Anaconda (cables), and Mahi (amp), of course--Mrmitch 
Who was your first
Same as T_bone, Brubeck,but I heard it on my parents radio-stereo combo (and old Fisher). What struck me were the time signature changes, as well as the sound of the combo.--Mrmitch 
'they blew'em off the stage'
In 1968 I was at a concert at the Garden State Arts Center with the bill being CHicago as headliner and Iron Butterfly ( go on, laugh). Iron Butterfly absolutely blew Chicago away. CHicago appeared ill-prepared and unrehearsed, Terry Kath broke a ... 
Collecting Blue Note Jazz
I was very lucky to live near the Record Exchange in Princeton, NJ, in the 80's (and still). Those were the days when you could get original pressings or early re-issues for a reasonable amount of money, and the store was more vinyl than CD. Many ...