
Responses from mrjstark

Dedicated power and outlets
Overhang, I don't judge your finding and I DON'T buy on mag. recommendations. I am NOT saying there aren't any other options. There are others but I simply don't have any experience with them (by exp. I mean that I never had a chance to evaluate i... 
Which TT will take me to the next level
You can try Rega RB-300, Linn Ittok (used) , Morch up-4 or Advanced Analog MG-1 Linear Arm Tonearm ($650 + $150 for Air pump). Cartidge - Denon DL103-R is great and inexpensive ($350), Audio-Technica OC-9 $450, Benz Micro MC20E2 ($200) also above ... 
Which TT will take me to the next level
1.New-Marantz TT-15! Designed by Marantz and built for them by Clearaudio-$1600, contoured acrylic table with an outboard motor, sophisticated tonearm with an Ebony arm wand. TT-15 comes with an $800 Clearaudio Virtuoso Ebony Wood Cartridge. Very ... 
To tube, or not to tube, that is the question
Jolida SJ 801-A (about 70w per channel-I think) used, might be in your budget. Very, very good peace and you can bring its performance even farther with a little modding letter.Check out Jolida stuff......pick what fits you the best and start the ... 
Reused Item Photos. Misleading?
Albert, that is nice - really.I think we have a deal.I will double box my and bubble wrap it.I could include the pump but I need it for my Advanced Analog MG-1 Linear Arm. It is mint and I used it for....? about 1hour a day in the past 3 months. A... 
Best Tube Integrated
DK Designs VS.1 Reference Mk.III integrated amplifier.Heard this peace on a few occasions. I was really floored when I find out it was around $3000 new. However take my recommendation lightly because I never had this peace in my system for evaluat... 
Commercial ripping service for classical CDs?
For anyone interested in converting their most valuable collection to almost any format.This is a link:www.awaken.comSo far this is the best and one of the less expensive places I could find for conversions. Excellent customer service.Price is abo... 
Reused Item Photos. Misleading?
Come on Guys - PLEASE, lets concentrate on the subject.Seriously.Personally, I would never use some-"body's" pictures to try selling my less then perfect beloved treasures........?Well, maybe in one case, but I don't think she would be happy to he... 
Sennheiser HD 650 Headphones
Lambda Nova Signature push-pull electrostatic headphones with SRM-T1W headphone amplifier. Traded my Creek and HD-650 for it. My friend got them from somewhere and though they were broken (sound only in L-channel) gave them to me for check-out. Sa... 
Reused Item Photos. Misleading?
Viridian, where did you get those cool pics. of my Thorens TD150AB MK2. I check my HD and still couldn't find it.Sand me a copy would you?P.SIf you have Rockport or SME TT for sale I will be more then happy to buy those pictures,just make sure it ... 
Reused Item Photos. Misleading?
Viridian- You are on my black list.$##&%$*!#@ like you - are the ones that screw-up thiswhole exp.Good luck on your next sell.....????Mariusz Stark 
Hi-fi digital front end suggestions for my system
Hi Latinsamba1I just want to add alternative to above choices.It is a Sonos system with Nixon Scott tube dac.It is a easy almost plug&play setup Easy to use with a very cool wireless controler.Works with pc/mac - wmp and itunes.I have it setup... 
Computer to Reciever ?
Trends Audio USB dac. Under $100.It works for me.Also quality is very good. Easy plug/play setup. Connect your l-top with a usb and use analog or digital out from Trends to your reciver. Cheers 
Favorite reviewer?
Robert Harley, Art and Fremer.New breed from enjoy m. & 6moons also interesting but that is all for now. Politics - Howard Stern. Also good reviews of the best #@^$%@#& houses and implant technologies. 
Dedicated power and outlets
Overhang, have you seen one up close and personal.I doubt it. Have you heard one and its effect - also doubt it. So let me ask you this. Is this your personal experience or just something you read somewhere.PS outlets were the most recommended bud...