
Responses from mrjstark

Preamp Deal of the Century
Hi everyone, I just want to say thanks!!!Since this thread is probably the reason behind my latest purchase - Chardonnay with a Bendix 6106 Rectifier tube and a matched pair of very rare Tung Sol Round Plate tubes.All I can say is...........I AM S... 
How much does your system retail for?
Ya....right !!!!!!! 
Transformer hum with AC fluctuations
Hi, I have also a problem with my 2nd system.Noise/hum in both spks. but a specialy in left.Disconnected everythig but amps and spks, still there.Used power stabilizer, quantum 800, PS ult. outlet and Granit Audio Ground Zero. Nothing helps. It is... 
How international is your system?
Preamp1......- AustralianPreamp2......- Jas Array 1.1 tube...................- China/Hong-KongPreamp3......- TacT 2.0s Room/Correction....- USAAmps...........-Consonance/Opera Cyber800..- ChinaCDP1............ 
Supratek Chardonnay vs JAS Array 1.1
WOW !!!! So many posts.....I quess JAS might be to new or to rare for most.I got them both home and will compare them side by side.SE YA> 
Where's the best place for used audio gear in NYC?
Don't even go there pal !!! 
Recommend a forward speaker
Dennis_the_menaceAerius i are very seductive.I also had a hard time deciding on my next upgrade.After 6years with ML I decided to get/try something else.I choose Vandersteen Quatros but it is just me.Give them a chance and decide if they are worth... 
Denon 3910 vs Rega Apollo or other suggestions
I thing Apollo would fit your system nicely.I have this CDP for a while now and it is hard to beat for the money. Also heard nice things about top CDP (840c) from Cambridge Audio but have no personal experience except one or two brief encounters.C... 
Zune output vs. CD output
Djembeplay, don't think that archos will do it for you.I have own 604 wifi and now 605 wifi. I try it and it sucks when connected to my big system.Don't know about ZUNE but my guess is that it is the same junk. I use SONOS and it works or get sque... 
Stereophile or Absolute Sound
Stereophile but I get both.I like these while seating on my tron. 
FP screen , +$$$ = better pic - fact or fiction?
SONY is good but check out new Optoma HD-80 1080p for under 3G. You can get a good screen in your budget and spend $400 on pro. calibration which will correct any color inperfections and brightness commpensation. It will give you a better bang for... 
Confused... Projector or Plasma???????
db, for around $3000 and change a real high quality projector/screen can be obtain. Optoma HD-80 ($2700 1080p) with Elite screen (white 1.0 gain or gray - $400 & up) and Gefen Home Theater Scaler for standard definition sources(around $400 str... 
Attractive room treatment is it possible?
here is the link to those picture panelsA great but not cheap product. WAF....bulls eye!!!I ordered two. One with the picture of my daughter and the other is a skyline of my city. Cooool stuff.It cost premium if you sand your pictures but they hav... 
Attractive room treatment is it possible?
Listener, which size of Brilliant Pebbles would you recommend for a mid-size room. I am concern about 1st reflactions as well. How do I go about that??? 
Tube amp location
It seems that the biggest concern here is the heat...from (????)but, it doesn't nessesary have anything to do with tubes -If you know what I mean...In that case my only advice IS "TUBE" rolling or some bias adj.