
Responses from mothra

Brag About Your Vinyl Collection
I have "Muhammad Ali fights Mr. Tooth decay", whith frank sinatra on it 
Magnetization & Demagnetization any conclusions?
a bulk tape eraser is waaaay too powerful to use near a cartridge. It would be like lighting a candle with a flame thrower. 
zyx universe cartr.- ideal weight -ideal vta ,
I think my arm accounts for my generally favoring a slightly higher tracking force. I can get pretty freaked outif i get mistracking but I think my micro mx 282 does has a very subtle anti-skate that doesn't do a whole lot compared to other arms i... 
zyx universe cartr.- ideal weight -ideal vta ,
doug is right on.I have found with my micro seiki 282 arm that VTF as high as 2.2 grams works well, and sometimes tracks better. But it's a very sensitive cartridge to adjustment. 
Quad ESL 57 are there better speakers out there??
the answer to your question regarding my mastering response is that the quads technically are not full range or clincal enough to hear every little annoying detail one would want for mastering. Nor can they take high SPL to turn them up loud.For l... 
Quad ESL 57 are there better speakers out there??
there are different speakers. Quads are long famous for being musical. I wouldn't master a record on them but they are very pleasurable to listen to especially for jazz and string music. 
Grand Prix Monaco review in new Stereophile- OUCH
well i haven't heard the caliburn but it;s would be typical of fremer to like because it is one of, if the not the, most expensive tables on the market. It may not be a great table or it may be. But, i'd be curious is head to head it was better th... 
most accurate loudspeakers....
ParkcakaMost of the producers and big studios use ATC while they record and mix.>>where did you get this idea?I don't find them flat actually, i find them less detailed in the midrange than some speakers. But, whatever someone is used to wor... 
Reversing absolute phase
well, the standard for wiring was pin 3 hot for a long time in europe and it was pin 2 hot in the US later. Now it is generally pin 2 hot. Studios tend to, and should pay attention to this meaning that the polarity should be correct from the micro... 
Reversing absolute phase
polarity is the correcting wiring. Don't confuse this with phase. Phase takes place between more than one source, like two microphones. if they are both in polrity, say pin 2 hot and correct they may be slightly out of phase with each other. when ... 
Reversing absolute phase
tbg- the industry standard is for things to be in phase and in polarity. it doesn't mean every recording is but the recordings most people prefer flipped aren't one way or another but in between and are preferred one way by a listener. 
What speakers can b considered as world reference?
the best (read biggest) of the duntechs or dunlavys are very, very revealing. In this way, you may or may not consider them musically satisfying ike say, a quad 57, but there tell you a lot about what is going on in the music. The midrange detail ... 
the smoothest sounding speaker
i would say a quad 57 is very smooth while still sounding like music. Likewise a spendor 3/5. 
Tired of Expensive Speaker Cable. Alternatives?
Well, Reference systems don't mean all that much to me. You have to know your gear. I find that a lot of mastering people that are responsible for a part of the sound of these record we all listen to , may have a really odd room, speakers we don't... 
Pet Sounds:why CD mono version is so noisy?
I have on pretty good authority that they haven't cut a mono mix of petsounds from the original tape ina long time. So it's either been a dat or a safety copy. That could have something to do with it.