

Responses from mofimadness

Cataloging Question
just put it all together , you are the one that listens to the music and you are the one that has to know where its at.      just seems you are making a mountain out of a molehill out of this. I was just interested in how everyone else would c... 
Cataloging Question
That’s where I’m having the problem.Elvis Costello and...Neil Young and...etc...andThese I put under Costello or Young, but;Ritchie Blackmore’s Rainbow or Todd Rundgren’s UtopiaI put under R and U because they are the names of the band.This isn’t ... 
Cataloging Question
Autobiographically. Obviously.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2msCS8dvSok I tried that once.  Couldn't find a damn thing!  :-)That's one of my favorite movies...well, top 5 anyway  :-) 
Cartridge misadventures
Too bad all cartridge clips don’t break when the wire is completely outside of the arm tube. Way different animal when it’s already installed. 
Cartridge misadventures
 Luckily, you tend to make that mistake only once. When you've setup as many turntables as I have in my life, unfortunately, it happens more than once.  But, you tend to learn from each episode....well, maybe  :-) 
I finally realized wires do matter a LOT.
So what does a Lightening Cable for charging an iPhone have to do with audio cables?   
New Parasound blows fuse?
Glad you got it straightened out.   Happy New Year! 
best low priced bookshelf speakers
The ELAC speakers are an excellent recommendation.  Also, if you can still find a pair of the Andrew Jones designed Pioneer bookshelves.The Klipsch R-51M are sweet also.  Never been a Klipsch fan, but these are pretty decent.  Usually on sale for ... 
New Parasound blows fuse?
Unhook everything and turn it on by itself.  If the fuse blows, send it back.  If not, turn off and then hook items up one at a time. 
Grover Huffman IC's and SC's
I've used his interconnects for years now in my reference system.  Absolutely love them.  Never tried his speaker cables... 
Battle of the unknowns... (cable companies)
Another vote for Signal Cable. 
Considering going back to Solid State
Another vote for Pass Labs.  If I was ever to leave tubes, (for preamps) that would be about the only brand I would consider.Ayre is very good also. 
Signal break up on 7 month old Bluesound Node 2i
I am experiencing signal break up and a stuttering sound when playing one album titled, "Eternal Light" by Morten Lauridsen. I just listened to "Light Eternal", (not Eternal Light) and hear the same thing, however, I have no basis to compare be... 
Linda Ronstadt: The Sound Of My Voice
opinions of her best LP recording? Simple Dreams...start there 
Linda Ronstadt: The Sound Of My Voice
It is not semantics. She was initially misdiagnosed with Parkinson's, but subsequently learned that it was progressive supranuclear palsy, which has many of the same symptoms. Sorry everyone for the misinformation.  Seems funny that almost ever...