

Responses from mofimadness

Bridge NAD 4225 and NAD 2100?
The NAD 4225 is a tuner ONLY. There is NO power output from it, so no it can't be bridged.The NAD 2100 has a bridge/mono switch on the back, so it can be made a single mono amp. 
Audio Research LS-16 Mk2 vs LS-17 preamp
Rwwear...here we go again. I owned the LS16MKII for almost 2 years and found it to have excellent bass response and control, a wide and deep soundstage, open and smooth mids and just a wonderful presentation. I did use the 6H30 "DR" tubes in it, b... 
New To Vinyl... Seeking Recomendations
Shelby Lynn-Just a Little Lovin'Mark Knopfler-Shangri LaWarren Zevon-Warren ZevonJoni Mitchell-Blue 
Help needed solving amplifier problem/mystery
It kind of sounds like a bad component in the crossover of the right speaker. I had a pair of Linn speakers that did the same thing and drove me crazy. It ended up being a bad crossover. 
HDMI cable made a difference in picture quality??
I tried both connections and really did see a marked improvement with the HDMI connection on my 50" plasma. You can get very high quality HDMI cables from Firefold or Monoprice for very little cost.I actually A/Bed the $7.00 Firefold HDMI cable to... 
Cartridge Question
If the Ortofon Black is new, you need to give it at least 50 hours to break-in. I would even recommend close to 100 hours for optimum sound before you make any judgements.Make sure you have it setup properly, i.e. VTF, VTA, etc. 
Cowboy Junkies
These are my favorites:The Trinity SessionsThe Trinity Sessions RevisitedThe Caution Horses 
Optimum Tracking force for Dynavector 20XL
Sounds like the cantilever has collasped. This cart should be able to track a pretty warped record. Is the cart new or used? 
Zu Essence vs Martin Logan
Electrostatics are hard to beat for vocals. That's one genre of music they really excel at. 
Toe-in or NOT toe-in ??
I completely concure with the above. I have however, never owned or set up a pair of speakers that didn't benefit from some toe in and I've owned and set up ALOT of speakers. YMMV. 
Can a Magnepan 1.6 be BI AMPED?
Here is a link that might answer some of your questions. Scroll down towards the bottom of the page for biamp info:http://www.integracoustics.com/MUG/MUG/tweaks/paco/ 
Optimum Tracking force for Dynavector 20XL
1.9 to 2.0 grams VTF and just a "hair" lower than parallel for the VTA. 
The audio research arc line- from top to bottom.
"The LS-16MKII is one of the worst preamps I have ever heard."I totally and completey disagree! The LS16MKII is a marvelous sounding preamp. Very open and dynamic with excellent control. No, it doesn't sound as good as a LS26, but it comes pretty ... 
Granny says heah.
This is what you need:http://www.audiojunkies.com/blog/1245/batphone-ear-extensions 
The audio research arc line- from top to bottom.
I have read that the 6H30 tube will actually last around 10,000 hours. I know that ARC says 5000, but I think that ARC wants owners to always have the best sound, so they recommend a replacement more often.The "DR" version of the 6H30 gives me mor...