

Responses from mofimadness

Keeping up on new releases, reissues, etc.
Sign up for weekly e-mail newsletters with Acoustic Sounds, Elusive Disc, Music Direct, Soundstage Direct, Amazon.This works very well for me. 
Inexpensive speaker cable for Merlin
I am using Mapleshade Golden Helix. They also replaced some very expensive cables. These are inexpensive and have a 30 day trial period. Try them, they're fantastic! 
Tell me about "tubey" tubes.
I think coloring is fine...as long as you stay within the lines :-) 
Dynavector 20X or Grado Sonata for VPI?
I am glad that I am not the only one that was not impressed with the Grado. I was a Grado dealer for awhile and have tried every Grado wood body cartridge expect for the Reference "Reference". I just could never warm up to any of them. They were a... 
looking for phono suggestions
The P7 is one SWEET table. I do agree that you could probably do better for the same amount of money, but if your dealer only sells Rega, the P7 will be an excellent choice.I would also see if you could trade up to the Dynavector DV20X2H cartridge. 
Best MM cartridge for Linn Sondek/Ittok LV II arm?
I would recommend a used Linn Adikt. Excellent MM cartridge and you keep the Linn Synergy...Ivor would be happy! 
Are you an Allison Krause and Union Station fan
I LOVE AKUS! I have seen them live several times. They are by far the best "musicians" that I have ever seen. They put on a MARVELOUS concert!! Can't wait for the new album. 
high output cartridge for vpi scout
I second the recommendation of the Dynavector DV20XH. 
2 Tubes in processor should both glow the same
It really depends on how they are being used in the circuit and how each one has aged. 
Who is the World's Best 'New' Female Vocalist
"Who is the World's Best 'New' Female Vocalist"?Grace Potter 
Help with DAC Going nuts
Aaron,Thanks for the encouragement! Your comments have been the concensus of what I have found. 
Help with DAC Going nuts
I also have been doing alot of research on new DACs. I have several older DACs and have had a hard time finding one that betters them in my system.I think after reading and reading and reading, that I am going to try the Eastern Electric MiniMax D... 
Sanders ESL amp. They have a stereo and mono version. Best amp that I have heard on my CLSIIA's. Specifically designed for electrostatic speakers. The Pass amps are wonderful also. 
Lyra Dorian or Lyra Delos cartridge?
Jonathan Carr is one of the good guys in the industry. He's a straight shooter and tells it like it is. I, for one, appreciate his honesty.I am going to buy a used Dorian because I can't afford the new Delos. Thanks for giving me the Lyra experien... 
Oracle Paris, 15 years old with Jelco 250ST Arm?
A Linn Ittok LVII or LVIII would be killer on that table. If you can get a new armboard made, this is my current favorite arm:http://www.audiomods.co.uk/completearms.htmlPay the little extra and get the Micrometer version.